alla gloria militar арт-проект
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Dedicated to the Anniversary of the end of WW II Authorsof the idea, curators and participants, designers of the book Aircraft gallery, Slovakia, Bratislava, 2010 In one of the most important works of world arts, Mozart’s opera Le nozze di Figaro, there is a shot of healthy pacifism characteristic for each common man. This work becomes full of irony in relation to militaristic oriented pathos of Figaro’s aria dedicated to Cherubino leaving for his military service.Alla gloria militar! – the aria acclaiming for reaching a military fame isbrilliantly culminating with this phrase and at the same time the phrase opens a project presenting works of art being more or less connected to war.Alla gloria militar! This phrase heroic both in its form and content – is contextually ironic. And corresponds with the character of the War having two faces itself. It is historical lyinevitable that there are two counterparts – an aggressor and the other one defending himself, the winner and the loser, the innocent and the guilty. At the same time the duality of a human nature is revealed – the highest verve of the spirit leading the person even to a self-sacrifice and on the other handthe lowest and the most obscure in a human being. Each statement on any military conflict, either bloodshed from the past or from nowadays, becomes ananti-military meaning from the point of view of this message. Kolesnikov/Denisov
I send greetings to the organisers, participants and visitors to the exhibition project “Alla Gloria Militar“ dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the end of the Second World War that has been taking place in Aircraft Gallery in Bratislava“!More than 70 artists from 14 countries in Europe and America take part in this huge project. During war years the secountries stood on different parts of the battle line. Now it is the topic of war that brought artists of these countries together.
Remembering the war, common victims, suffering and joy of victory is one of few remaining precious values unifyingthe whole mankind.In spite of relatively long time distance, the WW II has been surviving not only in the memory of a small group representing the generation that took a direct part or witnessed the war, but alsoin a genetic memory of nations of Europe and the world.That terrible war, besides all historical conclusions and meanings, human sacrifices of colossal size, and tragedies of nations and continents, brings its central message for the mankind– each war is a WRONG.And the artists explore the WAR conceptright through this prism.There are no winners or losers at this exhibition, there are no fighting parties, there are neither those being for, nor those being against. Here are the artists listening the time period and throughits prism they ask a question themselves, how to protect the mankind from that destroying energy, observing the state of war in the inner world of a manduring peaceful times.I wish all participants and visitors tothis exhibition to gain and strengthen the feeling of inseparable connection to those generations that gave us the chance to live in peace and also the feelingof our own responsibility to prolong the peaceful time as much as possible. Alexandr AvdeevMinister of Culture of the Russian Federation
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