Elena Fedorova: RED-HAIRED CLOWN
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The books by Elena Fedorova always represent an easy, confidential conversation about life, love, and friendship - about everything, which is on everyone"s mind, which is close and clear to every person.
Everything written by the author sounds in an integrated manner. Elena persistently continues her way - her search, her success.
Just try not to skim the novel but to think about every word, every phrase. Perhaps, you will discover something new and unknown.
Everything written by the author sounds in an integrated manner. Elena persistently continues her way - her search, her success.
Just try not to skim the novel but to think about every word, every phrase. Perhaps, you will discover something new and unknown.
Автор:Fedorova Elena
- Категория:Художественная литература и фантастика
- Категория:Наука и математика
Серия:Nabokov Prize Library
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