Historian No. 03/2021 Cold War: from Churchill

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Category:Souvenirs & Gifts
Dimensions: 220x4x300cm

Cold War
from Churchill to Gorbachev - further everywhere?
In the war as in the war

seventy-five years ago-March 5, 1946-in Fulton, Missouri, one of the founding fathers of the anti-Hitler coalition, the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in the presence The current US President Harry Truman made his famous speech.

Author: Vladimir Rudakov, editor -in -chief of the journal Historian
News about the past

Vladimir Putin instructed to introduce responsibility for equating the role of the USSR and Nazi Germany in the war
Author: Varvara Rudakova
Test from the Historian

Have you read the March number carefully?

Try to answer these questions before and after reading the magazine

Author: Arseniy Zamenyanov
Iron curtain

March 5, 1946 USA and The UK declared a Cold War to the Soviet Union, which turned into an unprecedented arms race and the struggle for the division of peace on the spheres of influence between Moscow and the West />
Author: Oleg Nazarov, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Truman and his doctrine

  • Category:Souvenirs & Gifts

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