Souvenir thimble Kirov

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10 days
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Category:Craft Hobbies
Dimensions: 24x24x24cm

The pelting is made of snow -white ceramics with images of natural and safe colors.

The pelvis has always served not only with a finger protection from an injection with a needle, but also a souvenir, decoration. According to statistics, in the world about 20 % of people collect something in the collection. Such a pelting will become the embodiment of a dream of a lover of traditional things.

From exciting trips to different corners of the world, we love to bring souvenirs with the symbols of cities: they remind us of the places that we managed to visit.

By purchasing this souvenir for yourself, do not forget to make a gift to relatives, friends, work colleagues or friends. Your attention will be appreciated.

size (length xshiririna x height) 2.4 cm x 2.4 cm x 2.4 cm
  • Category:Craft Hobbies
Dimensions:2.4x2.4x2.4 cm

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