
Glucoslim, 60 cap

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List price: 17.35
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Category:Weight Control

The reasons why the human body begins to gain extra pounds are well known to everyone-excessively abundant nutrition, too high concentration in the food of carbohydrates and fats, which are very quickly absorbed by the digestive system of the body. This also includes a lack of physical exertion, stress, endocrine diseases and many others. All of them ultimately lead to the fact that problem areas arise on the body, after which serious health problems begin.

The main point during the gain of excess weight is the following fact: much more calories are entered with food than consumed in everyday life. As a result of this, fat deposits begin to appear. You can align such a balance with the help of a variety of ways - diets, physical exercises, breathing exercises, various kinds of strength training, but all this requires significant physical and temporary costs.

Unfortunately, not everyone can concentrate their attention in the classes
sports or proper nutrition, and visiting a nutritionist may not be every person.

If we adjust your weight due to pharmacological drugs, the action of which is aimed at burning fat, then this is quite possible to do the instructions accurately, it will be possible to achieve good success in terms of such problem areas as sides or stomach.

One of these drugs is glucmannan.
Glucomannan is a soluble fiber obtained from the root of the cow (Amorphophallus Konjac), which helps to maintain the normal functioning of the intestine. In addition, glucomannan can be useful for maintaining a healthy level of lipid in blood serum glucmannan - this is a natural substance, a source used to reduce weight, cholesterol and blood sugar.

Nutritionists recommend a substance to control appetite. Due to the high ability to absorb fluid, consuming glucomannan fibers, you can deceive your body by creating a feeling of satiety in the refusal of calorie foods.

Glucomannan - a means for weight loss, which works like other water -soluble fibers, glucomannan helps to reduce weight after several mechanisms:
1. It is low -calorie foods,
2. It occupies space in the stomach, limiting food intake,
3. He delays the emptying of the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety,
4. It reduces the absorption of protein and fats.

In addition, dietary fibers contribute to the development of beneficial intestinal microflora. The relationship between the intestinal microflora and weight has already been established, and the experiments showed the possibility of reducing the percentage of fat in the body by affecting bacteria.

Glucomannan accumulates moisture, turning it into a gel. This gel occupies the stomach and limits the absorption of food, and also creates a feeling of satiety.
Recommended course 2-3 months
  • Category:Weight Control
Dimensions:XX cm

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