
Garcinia Forte (80 tab)

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List price: 16.35
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Category:Weight Control

Garcinia-Form-the grace of your dreams! Eliminates several causes of excess weight at once. Garcinia-Form contains a hartsin extract that will help reduce your appetite and switch to mini power. The thing is that Garcinia contains hydroxilimonic acid (HLC), which allows you to launch processes in the body aimed at reducing overweight, and upon receipt of a sufficient number of calories, it helps to dwell in food in time. Due to the content of bioactive chromium in Garcinia-Form, the craving for flour and sweets will decrease, and seaweed in its composition will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Garcinia-Form will save from fat deposits, “burning” accumulated, adjust the metabolism. With Garcinia-Form it is easy to maintain shape. Garcinia-Form-the grace of your dreams!

Vitamin B6, vitamin C, chromium picoline, fucus, garzinia extract

Method of application and dose:
adults 2 tablets 2 times a day during meals.

Not recommended
Persons with individual intolerance to components, pregnant, lactating breasts. Before use, you need to consult a doctor
  • Category:Weight Control
Dimensions:XX cm

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