
Turmeric with vitamin C. 60 capsules

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Dimensions: 60x60x85cm

Kurkuma is an ancient doctor for the liver and blood vessels!

turmeric (turmeric) has been widely used for many thousands of years as in cooking and in folk medicine. Even in ancient China and India, Kurkum was a great success and could facilitate the condition with many ailments.
Today, the useful properties of turmeric are recognized around the world. Turmeric is a plant, and a spicy spice is made from its root, in fact, turmeric is one of the types of ginger. The composition of the turmeric includes essential oil, terpinoids, the dye of turmeric (soluble in fats and alcohol, not soluble in water), vitamins B, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, C, K, Iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium , magnesium, sodium, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese.
Kurkum has anti -inflammatory, enseptic, disinfecting, antioxidant properties. Probably the most important thing is that turmeric is a natural antibiotic.
The turmeric extract with vitamin C is used:
- with various problems with the liver, it contributes to the production of bile, it has a choleretic property, prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder, useful turmeric with cholecystitis, removes toxins from the liver, protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs,
- Due to the effective effect on the liver, the drug turmeric with vitamin C burns well fats, thereby is a good means for weight loss,
- facilitates the irritable intestine syndrome, supports the normal intestinal microflora, stimulates digestion processes, is useful for constipation, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, can also be added to foods rich in proteins, and also prevents the formation of gases, is used for poisoning, as it removes chemicals from the body,
- it cleanses blood well, protects our vessels of atherosclerosis, reduces the level of & quot, harmful & quot, blood cholesterol, is tonic, turmeric normalizes the composition of the blood and improves its circulation, stimulates the formation of blood red blood cells, strengthens the heart muscle, is useful for heart work, reduces headaches,
- use turmeric in the treatment of respiratory diseases, strengthens immunity, tonsillitis, sore throat, the drug turmeric calms the cough,
- use for bruises, abrasions, traumatic tumors, has an antiseptic and healing property.
- helps in the treatment of diabetes, stops bleeding and heals wounds,
-Menens pain and inflammatory processes for arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis,
- helps in the fight against cancer, as it is a powerful antioxidant,
-ses to inflammation of the gums, strengthens the gums, reduces the bleeding of the gums,
-the heals with inflammation of the eyes,
Contraindications of turmeric.
You should not use turmeric people with allergies. With jaundice.
with gallstone disease and when clogging of the gallway. With an ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Do not use turmeric in large doses during pregnancy
  • Category:Vitamins
Dimensions:8.5x6x6 cm

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