
Rosehip fruit syrup with vitamin C (with sugar) 250 ml

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«Syrup of Rose Hip fruit with vitamin C» recommended like natural vitamin C source, syrup increase a body self-defense agains infections, bacterias and environmental pollution, helps deceases recovery, that cause lack of vitamin C. Rose hip syrup increase oxidation-reduction of a body Stabilize adrenaline, stimulates body defense against bad endogeny factors. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that needed for growth and regenerative processes, improves body self-defense, protects from thrombosis, and speed up wounds and burns recovery. «Rose Hip syrup with vitamin C protects body from dangerous pollution effects, helps with cancer prophylactics, increase immune system. It is also decrease cholesterol level and helps stabilize arterial blood, prevent atherosclerosis. Directions of use: Take kids above 12 years old 2 teaspoon 3 times a day with meal. 2-3 weeks course treatment. Repeat course of treatment if needed. Сontraindications: not recommended for individual intolerance of ingredients.
  • Category:Vitamins
Dimensions:20x5.5x5.5 cm

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