
Pomegranate Fort for Beauty and Health 60 cap

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Pomegranate is a unique fruit in which everything is useful: grains, partitions and peel. It includes a record amount of vitamins, mineral and nutrients necessary to ensure and maintain the normal functioning of the body.

Pomegranate in folk medicine is used to combat atherosclerosis, anemia, dysentery, hypertension, colitis, hemoptysis, stomach ulcer, diseases of the liver and kidneys, for healing wounds during burns and cuts, to restore hormonal balance, relieve nervousness, irritability and irritability and irritability, and irritability, and headache.

The juice of any grenade contains tannins and nitrogenous substances, flavonoids, catechins, at least 15 amino acids, up to 20% oily oil, which includes linoleic, oleic, palmitine, stearin and some other acids. Various macro elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron) and microelements (copper, zinc, manganese, chrome, nickel, etc) were found in the grenade peel, punicine in the flowers, and in the leaves there are urnsolic acid, which can potentially potentially prevent the process of atrophy of skeletal muscles.

A scientific assessment of the pharmacological activity of the substances contained in a grenade speaks of their potential in preventive and therapeutic measures to reduce blood pressure, normalization of cholesterol and glucose in blood serum, eliminating stress and inflammatory activity.

The antioxidant capabilities of pomegranate juice are estimated above than that of green tea and red wine, the latter effectively prevents damage to the walls of blood vessels and, as a result, reduces the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol deposits, the inflammatory processes in the brain are slowed down, which prevents the development of memory degradation, thinking and other manifestations of dementia.

In addition to the fact that grenade gives more strength and increases endurance, the extracts of its fruits are able to block the enzymes responsible for the development of osteoarthritis (in particular, the pro-molecule playing a key role in the degradation of cartilage).
prescribe pomegranate juice and in order to prevent iron deficiency (along with other products containing iron)
  • Category:Vitamins
  • Category:Supplements
Dimensions:XX cm

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