
Natur Optik 60 Kapseln

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Dimensions: 50x50x100cm

NATUR OPTIK innovative to restore vision!

According to the World Health Organization, in the world more than 285 million people suffer from visual impairment. And 39 million of these people already have a diagnosis of “blindness”. At the same time, doctors believe that this figure would be much smaller if people paid attention to the first symptoms and did not delay the prevention.

Our eyes allow you to get about 90 % of information about the world. Therefore, as we see, directly affects the quality of life. If a person has a deterioration of vision, this reduces comfort, makes it difficult or impossible to perform some tasks.
Today, more than half of people on the planet have vision problems, myopia leads in youth, in an old age, far and cataracts are developing, dry eye syndrome, blepharitis, keratitis, spasm of accommodation are often found, in addition, there are many diseases Eye with complex pathology, such as astigmatism, amblyopathy, maculodistrophy and many others.
Problems with vision begin in childhood, because in modern children the load on the eyes can be safely called overwhelming, which ultimately leads to a particular violation of vision, and with age the problems, of course, are aggravated. And then we spend almost all the time watching the TV, at the computer, while not observing the elementary rules, not caring about our health. And then we are surprised at the problems.

All people with age need reading glasses
Suppose you have excellent vision at a distance.
If you are reading this article now, you are over 40 and you have good vision, you can quite accurately say that in the future you will still need reading glasses.
For 99 percent of people, the need for glasses first occurs between 43 and 50 years.
This is because the lens inside your eyes loses the focusing ability with age.
In order to focus on objects that are next to you, the lens in the eye must change the shape of a flat to a more spherical one, and this ability fades with age.
After 45 years, you need to keep objects further to focus on them.
Natur Optik - helps to relax the eye muscles. It improves “close” vision, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish between very close objects.
Natur Optik - provides eyes with a quality vacation at night. This is very important for people who experience constant overload of the eyes, whose everyday work is connected with a computer, work with small objects.
Using Natur Optik, the functional state of the eye organs improves, namely the retina of the eye. The drug normalizes microcirculation, restores eye tissues, enhances their trophic, prevent the destruction of lens and retina.
Natur Optik is taken to restore visual acuity. It reduces the excessive permeability of blood vessels, strengthens the shells of the eye, has an antihistamine effect.
also Natur Optik helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels of the eyes.
The NATUR OPTIK drug establishes color perception, eliminates the so -called chicken blindness, strengthens the body"s resistance to adverse environmental factors. The components of the drug are of great importance for normal circulation of enzymes in the eye tissues, prevent inflammation of the corneal layer of the eye.

The effectiveness of Natur Optik is determined by the components, which include valuable natural components:
- Luthein and Zeaksantin - natural pigment. Protects the retina from the aggressive part of the spectrum of light. Activates metabolic processes. Promotes an increase in visual acuity. Prevents age -related vision.
- blueberry extract - a powerful antioxidant. Increases the rate of formation of the visual pigment - rhodopsin, restores disturbed microcirculation detecting the strengthening of capillaries and walls of blood vessels.
- Minerals of zinc and selenium - zinc ensures the transparency of the lens, supports the optic nerve structure. Selenium provides normal blood supply to the eye and protects the retinal cells from the effects of peroxide processes.
- Vitamins E, B2, CAROTIN - reduce the risk of cataracts and glaucomas, increase visual acuity in the dark, normalize the formation of tear fluids and retain the elasticity of blood vessels.

Natur Optik contains the most important nutrients for the eyes. This is a drug that helps maintain good vision and healthy eyes.
The drug is designed to combat progressive eye diseases that affect the elderly and senile people - cataracts and macular degeneration, that is, the destruction of the central part of the retina. Among the biologically active substances contained in the drug, for the eyes, extremely important, are lutein and beta-carotene. The condition of the cornea, lens and retina of the eye depends on them. According to clinical studies, regular intake improves indicators of visual acuity, reduces the progression of severe diseases, such as age -related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. The drug helps to quickly restore vision after surgical intervention.

Natur Optik
- it takes over the fatigue of the eyes and stress when watching the TV, working at the computer, after prolonged reading,
- relieves eye irritation from wearing contact lenses,
- increases eye photosensitivity, improves night vision,
- reduces the risk of eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma),
- allows you to reduce the risk of originality.

Method of application: 1 capsule 2 times a day.

When accepting Natur Optik, you can maintain good vision until old age and avoid troubles associated with visual impairment!
  • Category:Vitamins
  • Category:Supplements
Dimensions:10x5x5 cm

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