
L-carnitine. 60 cap

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L-carnitine (levocarnitine)-a substance related to vitamins of group B. It naturally breaks down fat, turning it into energy for the current needs of the body. L-carnitine is constantly present in our body, but with age it leaves, and often it is its deficiency that prevents our body from processing fat and lose weight.

The name L-carnitine itself comes from the Latin word Carne (meat) The daily dose of this substance is contained in 300-400 g of raw beef. The whole problem is that during heat treatment, most of the carnitine disappears. By the way, since this substance is in meat, vegetarians experience its serious shortage. Meanwhile, L-carnitine contributes to tissue regeneration and the prevention of heart disease.

L-carnitine will allow: to maintain muscle mass, increase fat burning by 10% (this is its main effect), improve cellular metabolism, its immunity increases, the nervous system is protected and mental activity is activated, the body protects from ammoniac toxin-synthesized in The metabolic process prevents a decrease in blood levels in the blood, which relieves the feeling of hunger during therapeutic starvation or observance of a diet. Regular use of L-carnitine increases physical endurance and strengthens the heart muscle, and also reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
  • Category:Vitamins
  • Category:Supplements
Dimensions:XX cm

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