
Grüner kaffee. 60 capsules

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List price: 15.90
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Dimensions: 60x60x85cm

Effective Grünerkaffee capsules for weight loss!
Are you tired of your weight, and sometimes you don’t even want to look in the mirror?
No diets and grueling sports do not help you?
Do you face diabetes or have you already made this diagnosis?
Then the new drug Grünerkaffee is for you!

The fact that green coffee burns fat was discovered recently - in 2012 in the United States. Prior to this, green grains were considered only a useful antioxidant and a generally detecting plant. Recent studies conducted in the spring of 2012 in the USA say that if you take green coffee against the background of a low -calorie diet, the weight goes much faster. The weight loss occurs due to the action of chlorogenic acid contained in green coffee grains, American researchers reported at a meeting of the American chemical society in San Diego (Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 2012, 5: 21-7 EPUB 2012 Jan 18)
The amount of chlorogenic acid in the familiar brown grains is not more than 7-8%, but in the undenastic green-about 10%
In the tanks use green coffee extract, that is, an extract in which the concentration of chlorogenic acid reaches 50% In such quantities, this acid helps to lower blood sugar, normalizes insulin levels, accelerates metabolism, converting fat reserves into energy. Simply burning fat.
Capsules with Grünerkaffee green coffee grains need to be taken half an hour before meals. As mentioned above, there is no consensus on the dosage. However, for more effective weight loss, it is recommended to take no more than 1200 - 1600 mg of extract per day. For example, if you bought capsules with a volume of 200 mg, you need to take them two times three times a day.
Green coffee itself is not only harmless, but simply healthy. It has very little caffeine, but it has anti -inflammatory and antibacterial properties, is considered a strong antioxidan, improves liver function, increases physical energy, improves metabolism.
For people who are threatened with diabetes or they are already sick, it is necessary to take Grünerkaffee capsules because they reduce the risk of diabetes! And already patients with diabetes help to effectively reduce overweight!
Moreover, many athletes take caffeine tablets to improve their results in training and competitions. Green coffee extract fulfills these conditions with greater benefits for the body. Grünerkaffee capsules guarantee you a pleasant, full energy of sports or fitness
  • Category:Vitamins
  • Category:Supplements
Dimensions:8.5x6x6 cm

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