
Evalar Mountain Calcium D3 with mummy (80 tab)

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Strengthens the bones, protects against fractures.

Calcium like a difficult child in a family of trace elements. It requires a lot of additional conditions for its assimilation. One of them is the presence of vitamin D3, and most importantly - the presence of trace elements: manganese, copper, boron, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, etc. Mummy"s mountain calcium with mummy fully meets these conditions.

Mountain calcium 100% satisfies the daily needs of the body, both in calcium and in vitamin D3.

Mummy in mountain calcium contains more than 30 macro- and trace elements, which contributes to a more complete absorption of calcium by the body. The mummy is a natural catalyst (accelerator) of calcium delivery to bone tissue, helps to improve the mineral composition and structure of bone tissue. That is why the mountain calcium D3, combining in one tablet with the mummy, contributes to the better absorption of calcium, maintaining its exchange, regeneration of bone tissue during fractures.

Calcium plays an important role in the life of the body, it is especially necessary for the formation of teeth, bones, preventing structural changes in bone tissue and its natural renewal, as well as to maintain a healthy condition of the skin, hair and nails. First of all, it must be remembered that the accumulation of bone mass (increased bone strength) occurs up to 30 years of age. Experts recommend doing everything so that by the age of 30 the bone mass is maximum (for this, a sufficient content of calcium and vitamin D is needed in the diet, the sun, adequate physical activity).

It should also be remembered that the bone weight and bone strength begin to decline at the age of 40. In a woman, after the onset of menopause, this process is sharply accelerated. It has been established that after 40 years, women lose 35-50% of bone mass, men-15-20%, therefore, older persons are especially necessary for additional calcium. The role of calcium is significant in the work of the cardiovascular and immune systems.

With insufficient intake of calcium with food, the body replenishes it due to bone mass and there is a risk of developing many diseases, therefore it is important for health to ensure the daily intake of calcium.

A rich complex of microelements mummy helps to improve the structure and has a positive effect on the biological regulation of natural bone renewal.

Method of application.
adults 2 tablets 2 times a day during meals.

Not recommended.
Persons with individual intolerance to components, pregnant, lactating breasts.
Before use, you need to consult a doctor
  • Category:Vitamins
Dimensions:XX cm

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