
Blueberry-Forte with lutein. 50 tab

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A complex of vitamins for vision with anthocyans of blueberries, vitamins and zinc, strengthened by lutein for daily maintenance of the whole family: adults, schoolchildren and even children from 3 years old.

Blueberries Fort with lutein contains anthocials of blueberries, vitamins and zinc, necessary for daily vision, especially with increased loads on the eyes, is also additionally strengthened by lutein - a carotenoid that performs a protective function for the retina.

The higher the density of lutein in the retina, the lower the risk of its changes. A decrease in protective function due to a lack of lutein in food leads to a depletion of the retinal pigment layer, which can lead to a decrease in vision. To date, this is the most common cause of vision problems in people over 60 years old. Luthein plays an important role in the prevention of structural changes in the eyes.
How do the components work?

Anthocials of blueberries stimulate the synthesis and natural renewal of the visual pigment of the rhodopsin, contributing to increasing visual acuity, improving adaptation to the darkness and conditions of reduced illumination. In this case, the process of natural retinal updating is accelerated and eye fatigue from prolonged work is reduced.

A complex of bioflavonoids of blueberries and routine with vitamin C helps to strengthen the vascular wall, improve the blood supply to the eyes and maintain normal intraocular pressure.

A complex of vitamins of group B is necessary for the course of normal metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. Vitamin B1 increases visual performance, while its deficiency causes muscle weakness, including eye tissues. With vitamin B2 deficiency, redness of the eyes is observed, a burning sensation appears in the eyes and centuries. With vitamin B6 deficiency, increased voltage and grunting of the eyes can be observed.

Zinc is necessary for the formation of the main visual pigment of the rhodopsin and the conduct of light signals through the retina, due to which it protects the eyes from structural changes caused by bright light, UV radiation or other types of oxidative stress. Structural changes in the retinal, decreased color perception are associated with a deficiency of zinc in the body.

Luthein and Zeaksantin"s eyes formed from it in the tissues are the main components of the shielding and antioxidant system of protecting the eye from the negative effects of the light flow and especially its most aggressive part - ultraviolet radiation.

Blueberries Forte with lutein contains the whole complex of blueberries with vitamins and zinc, additionally enhanced by lutein - a carotenod that performs a protective function for the retina of the eye.

Method of application: adults and children over 14 years old 2 tablets 2 times a day during eating, children from 7 to 14 years old 3 tablets per day, children from 3 to 7 years old 1 tablet 2 times a day.
Duration of admission-2-4 months. A 10-day break is allowed.

It is not recommended: with individual intolerance to the components of the product. Before use, you need to consult a doctor
  • Category:Vitamins
Dimensions:XX cm

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