
Arginine + ornitin + lysine plus c + zinc, 60 cap

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Complex food additive based on amino acids.
It is well known that in a number of chemical compounds, amino acids are one of the central places. These organic acids containing an amino group - an atom of nitrogen and 2 hydrogen atoms - a unique building material for several million proteins. They are involved in a huge number of metabolic processes, and the lack of at least one of them violates the coordinated work of the whole organism.

Arginine is an indispensable amino acid that stimulates blood circulation - turning into nitrogen oxide, as well as an important substance for diseases and chronic diseases, such as type 2 hypertension or diabetes. Contained in food products, and also exists in the form of a food supplement.
Arginine expands blood vessels, prevents heart failures and arteries blockage, and prevents the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques. Eliminates erectile dysfunction in men - amino acid contributes to an increased flow of blood to the male genital organs, which improves an erection.

Ornitin is one of the amino acids necessary for the human body. Participates in the processes occurring in the liver and the immune system. Amino acid is an important component of chemical reactions,

Lizin is an indispensable amino acid that cannot be synthesized by the body and enters the body only with food and additives. The lysine has a wide range of biological effects and, above all, is vital as a component of body proteins.
The lack of lysine in the body leads to loss of appetite, abundant hair loss, constant fatigue, mood swings, reproductive disorders, nausea, dizziness, stress, growth retardation, anemia. Perhaps the formation of kidney stones.
Lizin is necessary for the formation of carnitine, which is responsible for the condition of the hair and skin, enhances the synthesis of collagen that helps to avoid wrinkles, reduces cholesterol, improves calcium assimilation.

zinc - the most important element in the body. Zinc in the human body is not produced, but very important for the stable operation of all systems of organs, strong immunity and secretion of hormones. It participates in metabolism, increases immune forces, has strong antioxidant properties. Addresses with zinc stimulate brain activity, improve memory, mental abilities and overall well -being. Stimulates the production of collagen and increases the elasticity of the skin.

Take 1 capsule 2 times a day
  • Category:Vitamins
  • Category:Supplements
Dimensions:XX cm

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