Syrup male strength 200ml

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Category:Sexual Wellness
Dimensions: 60x40x180cm

The syrup of red and maral root “Male Strength” is a natural prophylactic drink enriched with vitamin C has a very thin, pleasant taste and aroma. Syrup Male Strength is an excellent means to preserve the main male dignity, the opportunity not to lose self -confidence and be the best. The strength and power of the heroes will wake up in every man. The roots and rhizomes of the red root (forgotten penny) are used to prevent and combat prostatitis, urethritis, impotence, etc. significantly increase the sexual desire and sexual capabilities of a man. The roots and rhizomes of the maral of the root (Levzea Saflorovid) is a source of energy, endurance and mental activity. The leaf of the bore uterus (one -sided orthilia), due to its unique composition, has disinfectant, diuretic, anti -inflammatory properties, struggling with prostatitis, male infertility, sexual impotence, prostate adenoma
  • Category:Sexual Wellness
Dimensions:18x6x4 cm

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