Red yeast rice 60 capsules

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Category:Pharmacy Products
Dimensions: 60x60x150cm
Red yeast rice is 100% control over poor cholesterol, a real struggle with heart attack and stroke!

Do you know that the Chinese have the lowest mortality in the world in cardiovascular diseases. One of the traditional Chinese dishes that they have been used by them for millennia are dishes with red yeast rice. Many millennia have been known about its healing properties among the peoples of China, Japan, and other countries of the Far East. Its for millennia has been used in Chinese folk medicine as a medicine for cardiovascular diseases, to improve digestion and during the lesions of the spleen.
And the recent conducted studies showed that during rice fermentation, Monascus Purpureus fungi distinguishes a special substance - Monacoline K, which has a powerful effect, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, having an anti -sclerotic effect on the vessels to maintain a healthy state of the heart and circulatory system.
It is known that atherosclerosis is the cause of myocardial infarction and a stroke of the brain, terrible and merciless killers of people of medium and older age groups. Red yeast rice extract is a wonderful fighter for clean vessels and a strong healthy organism as a whole. When taking the drug, red yeast rice significantly increases the blood flow, the risk of heart and blood disease decreases and the general condition improves with existing heart pathologies.
In addition, it has been proven that red yeast rice has a strong antitumor effect, since it almost completely blocks the synthesis of mevalonic acid, which provokes the growth and development of tumor diseases, as well as a violation of cholesterol metabolism in the body
  • Category:Pharmacy Products
Dimensions:15x6x6 cm

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