Master-Nose organelle drops with sage, 10 ml

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Category:Pharmacy Products

“Naturonik” ®, Organelles with Sage of “Masterno” -natural Organic Drops BaSes of Medicinal Plants, Bioactive Propolis and Micelle of Sage Juice, Which Havy a Compryx Antiviral and Antibacterial Effect on the Pathogenes of Viral and Bacterial Infections of the Ent-Organes, Which Regulates the Action with Concomitant Disorders of the Function and the State of the Nasal Mucosa and Respiratory Organs, Which Contribute to the Normalization F Vasomotor Reactions to External Irritating and Allergic Factors.
The NATIVE Organels Contain Contain Forms of Biological Compounds of Plants, Which Have Deep Penetrating Ability Through Tissue Barriers, Complete Assimilation And Max Imum Effect on the Cace of the Violation, Symptoms and Concomitant Disorders.

The native complex of oils of medicinal plants, propolis and micelles of Sage juice shows activity against pathogens of infections of the nasal cavity, oral cavity, respiratory organs - Coksaki viruses, influenza, paragraph and eso, pneumococci, staphylococci, coronaviruses and respiratory syncitual infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infectious infections Agents and Contributes to:
to eliminate inflammatory changes in the epithelial tissues of the nose,
a decrease in mucus secretion,
Eliminating the Swelling of the Nasal Shells,
Normalization of Nasal Breathing,
Restoration of Smell Analyzers,
Eliminate Intoxication of the Body,
The Elimination of the Accompany Fungal Infection of Ent Organs Cased by Mushrooms, Geotrichum, Molds of the Genus Aspergillus, Penicillium, SCOP, SCOP. Ulariopsis, Mucor, Cephalosprium, Alternaria, etc.
Activation the immune response when pathogenic patio of infections, Viruses and Fungi to the Epithelial Tissues of the Nose, Mucous Membranes of the Ophe
Prevention of the Spread of Infection Into the Oral Cavity, Ear Sinks, Throat, Light, Light,
Prevention of Reactions of a Neuro-Reflex Nature to Extendal Irritating Factors,
Improving Cerebral Circulation, Elimination of Headache, Dizziness and Concomitant Changes.
NATIVE COMPLEX OF NATURAL Components ®, The Organell-Drops with Sage “Masters” HAS A Multilatiral Effect on the Oppressed Functions of Organs and Systems A Result of Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Processes, Has a Simultaneous Anti- Inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antiviral and General Reinforcing Effect:
with Viral and Bacterial Infections,
with Accate Respiratory Viral Infections,
with FLU,
with Superinfraction,
with nasal conges,
ardcharge from the nose,
with swilling of the tissues of the nasal shells,
with lacrimation,
with Purulent DiSchaRge,
when smoking smell,
with neuro-Reflex Reactions of the Nasal Mucosa to Extendal Irritating Factors,
with Hyperplasia of the Nasal Mucosa AS A Result of An Allergic Reaction.
The Organello-Capel Is Affeded by Concomitant Disorders as a Result of the Infectious and Virmalizes The Blood Circulation of the Bras Essels Tone, Helps to Increase The Immune Response to Infectious and Bacterial Processes, Eliminates the Headache, Pathogenic Flora of the Mucous Nose and Throat, The Pathogenic Flora of the Mucous Membrane, and The THRAT, and the Throat, and the Throat. Prevents Hearing and Breathing Organs.
Organello-Kapli Can BE USD AGENTIVE AGENT DURING THE PERIOD of Exacerbation of the Activity of Viral and Bacterial Influenza, Rotavirus Infeion .
Composition: Juice and National Concentrate of Sage of Medicinal, National Coriander Oil, Siberian Fir Oil, Juniper"s Native Oil, Hemp Oil, Amiranth, Juice and National Conventratrate Of Puddle Clover Flowers, Juice and National Concentrate Dioecious, Juice and Native Concentrate of Grass and St. John"s Wort Flowers, National Chamomile of a Pharmacy, National Concentrate of Root Calamus, Juice and National Concentrate of the Root of the Medicinal Tree, The Native OF CLOVE -DAYWN Buds, Juice and Native Concentrate of the Roots of the High, National Bark Of the Belea Willow Bark of White, National Concentrate of Sumaha, National Concentrate of Turmeric, National Concentrate of Paduba of a Broad -Faceted, National Concentrate of Ants Cortex, NATIVE Concentrate of A DILUTE, NATIVE Concentrate of Leseds of A Penny, National Propolis , National Prehumor of the Bee, Octural Oil of Tea Tree, Eucabulary Oil, Sort of Eucalyptus, Subsidized Abyss. Voy Oil
  • Category:Pharmacy Products
Dimensions:XX cm

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