
The collection of Professor Korsun at migraine. 100 g

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Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies
“There is nothing worse when the head hurts,” many say. And indeed, this pain does not allow anything else to do anything. It is impossible to forget about her and it doesn’t work to ignore her. Therefore, many of us at the first symptoms try to do everything possible to prevent pain to develop further.
Now we have a new way to combat headache! Spasms of the vessels of the brain, dizziness, fainting, migraines and noise in the ears are familiar to almost everyone. In addition, the circulatory of blood circulation of the vessels of the brain often occurs with osteochondrosis that the population of all ages suffers - due to sedentary work and a lying lifestyle. In the arsenal of nature, there have long been plants that have unique healing properties that are able to help restore the functioning of the brain vessels in the complex, regardless of the origin of the disease.
The migraine collection has a pronounced vasodilating, hypotensive and anti -sclerotic effect. It improves blood vessels tone, normalizes peripheral cerebral circulation, reduces the formation of clots and blood clots, increases oxygen consumption and stimulates brain activity. Herbalis grass will help reduce dizziness, relieve headaches, eliminate memory disorders and noise in the ears. The intense general -strengthening and sedative effect will have a heart -of -heart and grave of the rostatic arnica, also designed to improve heart and cerebral circulation.
The migraine collection is intended to establish blood circulation and stabilize intracranial pressure, effectively eliminate dizziness and headaches, normalize sleep and has a general beneficial effect for the whole organism.
The collection for migraine will help you get rid of a number of diseases and characteristic symptoms associated with the functioning of the vessels of the brain. To get rid of the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, activate brain activity, forget about exhausting migraines, fainting and dizziness.
The composition of the collection: heather, St. John"s wort, ordinary cuff, lemon balm, large plantain, motherwort, arnik.
Method of application: mix 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs pour 0.5 l of boiling water in the evening, insist, strain in the morning, take before meals during the day.
Duration of treatment 4 months
  • Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies
Dimensions:XX cm

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