
Psoriasis collection 200 grams

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Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies
Dimensions: 100x100x300cm

Psoriasis is a very ancient illness, they hurt them in ancient Egypt. Only one who is sick with psoriasis knows all his “charms”: inflammation, peeling spots of red color, with severe tedious itching. When peeling, the skin scales deserve, from where another name arose - this is scaly lichen. Such expressions on the skin are more often in the hair on the head, knee and elbow joints, the lower back and bends of the skin. Almost 1/4 of those sick are affected by the same nails, they are compacted and crumble.

The causes of the origin of psoriasis have not yet been completely clarified, some theories.

1. Psoriasis is a disease of internal organs. The “projection” is manifested on the skin of a person. Psoriatic plaques are a consequence of the disease.
2. Psoriasis is manifested exclusively due to a decrease in immunity caused by various factors: stress, infections, cold climate, not healthy nutrition, such as: alcohol (especially beer, strong alcohol, champagne), products with vinegar, chocolate, and pepper. Based on this, psoriasis can be called a systemic disease. This means that with deep violations of the immune system, other organs and tissues, such as joints, can be captured. As a result, psoriatic arthritis develops - damage to the small joints of the feet and hands.
3. Everyone also has their own individual psoriasis, with their own characteristics, shades, pathogenetic properties.
Psoriasis suffers almost 4% of the world"s population. It can develop at any age from birth to old age, but more he prefers young people. This is evidenced by the fact that 70% of patients get sick with psoriasis under the age of 20 years.
It is not possible to treat psoriasis, for this medicine usually offers external drugs, chemicals only exacerbate psoriasis. Therefore, in order to treat this disease from the inside, it is necessary to use herbs. A group of phytotherapists has developed a special collection for psoriasis, which has been used in their practice for 20 years.
This collection has an antiviral effect, relieves inflammation, increases immunity, eliminates irritability and itching, removes intoxication, restores vitamin balance.

Application: 1 tablespoon of 300 ml of boiling water in a thermos is poured, 1 hour is infused, it is used 100 ml 3 times a day
  • Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies
Dimensions:30x10x10 cm

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