
Oriental tea Fruit magic 100 g

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Category:Herbs and Herbal RemediesTea
Dimensions: 80x60x200cm

Oriental tea Fruit magic is an unforgettable pleasure of summer
“East is a thin matter,” and the traditions of the eastern tea party are even more sophisticated, like fairy tales “1000 and one night”. Touch the east and you, try tea fruit magic. Thanks to hibiscus colors, tea has tonic and anti -aging effects: it cleanses the liver and body of toxins, reduces cholesterol, improves digestion, and normalizes pressure. Notes of ginger, mint, cinnamon and carnations will add the “east” and give an unforgettable pleasure. By the way, the oriental tea Fruit magic perfectly quenches their thirst - to make a refreshing eistee from it is very simple! Call, we will share the original recipe.
Composition: flowers of hibiscus, ginger, peppermint, sweet leaves of blackberries, cinnamon, stellar anise, cloves, vanilla.
Preparation: 4 teaspoons with a slide of tea pour 500 ml of boiling water and let stand for 8 minutes
  • Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies
  • Category:Tea
Dimensions:20x8x6 cm

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