
Collection for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis (packaging 100 g)

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Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies

Group affiliation
Normalizer of blood circulation, thrombolytic
Active components
series, St. John"s wort, licorice root, coriander, chamomile, dryer, Donnik Medicinal, ordinary flax.
The effect of the drug
The amount of cholesterol plaques decreases, blood circulation improves, the risk of thrombosis is reduced, the operation of the valves in the veins is normalized, the amount of & quot, the capillary mesh & quot, on the surface of the body and the surface of the body and the body. Reduces & quot, blue & quot, limbs.
with varicose veins of the lower extremities, with symptoms of venous insufficiency, with edema, pain, heaviness in the lower extremities, in the presence of vascular & quot, Stars & quot, and & quot, mesh & quot, on the skin of the lower extremities, for preventive purposes to improve blood circulation.
Interaction with other drugs
The main drugs: kcardiomax, lymphotonic, arginine, ginkgo-bilobe. Locally: cream against varicose veins. A patch for improving blood circulation. Oils: olive, flax. Additional drugs: spirulina, magnesium with vitamin C.
Individual intolerance to the components of the collection
method of application
2 tbsp. tablespoons for 400 ml of boiling water. Insist 1.5 hours in thermos, strain. Divide into 3 doses. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day after eating. Douched 1-2 months. With varicose veins, ulcers, take a decoction of a field steel (2 tbsp 1 liter of boiling water, boil until 0.5 l of decoction. Strain and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals. Course 4-8 weeks) There are no special instructions
from side effects, before receiving it is recommended to consult with the specialist of the Central Executive Committee & quot, Vera & quot (consultation is free) Tel. 09233-40015
  • Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies
Dimensions:XX cm

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