
Chinese Green GunPowder. 100 g

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Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies

The healing properties of Ganpauder tea are undeniable. Green tea normalizes the metabolism and removes toxins, which contributes to weight loss. Tea is great for the prevention of excess weight.
The drink taken regularly strengthens the immunity, normalizes the hematopoietic activity of the body, lowers cholesterol, and restores thyroid function.
Tea tones, without increasing pressure, refreshes, quenching thirst. In addition, Ganpauder is a source of fluorine and strengthens tooth enamel.

Tasteful quality: GunPowder Green Tea) Taste: Deep with a tannin tint. It has a jasmine aftertaste. This variety of green tea has a tart taste with light bitterness. You can add a little stevia, honey or mint to soften the taste. Aroma: with a sweet tint of smoke. Color: golden.

Breaking time: 3-4 minutes
  • Category:Herbs and Herbal Remedies
Dimensions:XX cm

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