Kuznetsov Ipplitor N60 on a fabric basis (32cm x 20cm)

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Category:Health & Fitness

"Iplikator Kuznetsova" is designed to relieve muscles, joints and spine, to normalize the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, the gastrointestinal tract, etc., as well as to restore and increase performance.

Iplikator is applied to the pain region. Then, it is pressed on it with their hands (within the pain of tolerance) within 40-60 seconds, after which the Iplitator is removed. The iclcation procedure is repeated until the pain disappears completely. To achieve a more pronounced effect during iclcation, it is necessary to perform active movements that cause the contraction and relaxation of muscles in the pain region. Iplikators can be worn for a long time in the pain region, pressing them with an elastic bandage, a belt, a towel, etc. In order to normalize the activities of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, the gastrointestinal tract, etc. It is recommended to be filled with the entire body (chest, back, stomach), providing tight pressing of the Iplitor. To restore and increase performance, it is necessary to apply an Iplitator on a large surface of the body, including limbs. Iplification time and the number of procedures is not limited.

To relieve muscle pain, joints and spine and with increased pain sensitivity, it is recommended to use plastic icons with a step of 2, 4, 6, 8 mm and Iplitters with a metal needle with a step of 2, 4 mm. For other purposes (lying on Iplitors, wearing an Iplitator costume), Iplikators with a step of 6, 8 mm are used.

Contraindications: the same as with therapeutic massage, as well as tumors, pustular diseases of the skin, thrombophlebitis
  • Category:Health & Fitness
Dimensions:XX cm

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