Espander (Massager of the Bruste) adults

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Category:Health & Fitness

It is recommended to use to strengthen, develop the muscles of the fingers and hands, as well as for the prevention of blood circulation in them. It is especially useful to use the expander to people engaged in mental work and leading a sedentary lifestyle.
Massagrarier, an emander of a cystic adult, is indispensable in the post-traumatic period to restore the functional activity of the brush.

Methods of classes
The first way: you squeeze, squeeze the expander to your hand, then give a full rest and again the approach. So you continue until you can completely compress even once.

The second method: just like the first, only the hand in the approaches holds the expander in a compressed position.

Third method: for the development of strength, it is necessary to select such rigidity of the expander to get to do no more than 10-12 times.
If the expander is too light for you or you are well trained, then do the exercises not with all your fingers, but one at a time (or in groups, for example index and large)
  • Category:Health & Fitness
Dimensions:XX cm

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