Vitaon Balzam Karavaev 30ml (blue)

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Category:Products for health

A universal remedy for the whole family!
Only natural components are included in the Balm of Vitaon:
Oil extract of medicinal plants (mint, chamomile, wormwood, St. John"s wort, rosehip, thyme, celandine, yarrow, calendula, caraway seeds, fennel, pine kidneys), ethereal composition containing mint, orange and fenchele oils, fragrance, camphara.
Medicinal herbs and essential oils that make up the Balm of Vitaon have anti -inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating, antimicrobial properties:
- have an anti-inflammatory effect (essential oils, calendula, pine buds, yarrow, St. John"s wort, chamomile, mint, celandine, rosehip, thyme)
- contribute to rapid healing for burns, wounds, cracks, ulcers (pine, chamomile, celandine, wormwood, rosehip, yarrow, calendula, St. John"s wort, thyme, soy oil)
- increase immune and bactericidal activity (fennel, calendula, caraway seeds, rosehips, essential oils)
- have a softening, antipruritic and soothing effect (chamomile, mint, yarrow, St. John"s wort)
- restore water-fat metabolism of skin cells (fennel, mint, essential oils)
When the vitaon is used

Scientific research and numerous consumer reviews have confirmed the high efficiency of Vitaon with many problems.
According to scientific research and medical literature, grass and essential oils that make up the Balm of Vitaon, combined with traditional treatment methods, have a good effect in:

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media),

periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, prosthetics period,

burns, wounds, cracks, ulcers,

dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis,

cervical erosion, colpit (vaginitis),

hemorrhoids, prevention and healing of anal cracks, proctitis,

Nipple cracks, lactostasis, mastitis,

diaper rash, sweating, daily care for the delicate skin of newborns and massage,

Healing with plastic surgery, wilting protection, skin rejuvenation,
Practice for using Balm Vitaon

Prevention of colds, acute respiratory infections, flu

For prevention in the epidemic period, instill 1 time per day and lubricate the nasal cavity several times a day when in contact with patients and before each exit of the house.
runny nose, rhinitis

At a runny nose, bury vitaon 3-4 times a day
sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx

Drip 2-3 drops of vitaon 2-3 times a day, course 30-35 days
tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis

1/2 teaspoon of vitaon to apply on the tongue and distribute throughout the mucosa of the oropharynx, use 2-3 times a day
With a predisposition to inflammation of the tonsils, the oropharynx of 10-15 drops of the vitaon, add 1/3 cup of warm water, stir well, rinse 1-2 times a day
otitis media

Drip in the ear 2-3 drops of vitaon 2-3 times a day
stomatitis, paradontitis, gingivitis, prosthetics period

a cotton swab satuone, for 15-20 minutes, apply on sore gums or mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Apply 3-4 times a day. Relieves pain, reduces bleeding, inflammation. For prevention by massaging movements, apply the vitaon to the gums 2-3 times a day.
burns, wounds, cracks, ulcers

Apply a vitaon to the affected place, if necessary, apply a swab soaked in vitaon. After 1-2 hours, repeat the procedure.
dermatitis, (itchy dermatoses), neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis

apply to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day
Gynecological diseases

With erosion of the cervix, collapich (vaginitis), tampons saturated with vitaon are used, using anti -inflammatory, antipruritic, antimicrobial properties of balm.
hemorrhoids, prevention and healing of anal cracks, proof

Lubricate the area of ​​the anus 2 times a day and after each visit to the toilet. At night, insert a cotton swab soaked in vitaon into the anus.

For the prevention and treatment of cracks of the nipples of the vitaon, apply to clean dry skin of the nipples and leave until completely absorb. For rapid healing of cracks, make applications with a vitaon balm to the nipple area for 1 hour. Wash the chest before feeding.
with lactostasis, apply the vitaon to the sealing section with light massaging movements with subsequent expressing milk. 3-4 times a day
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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