
Spectonic Active Liver Extraordinary Oil Capsules No. 30 0.5g

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Category:Products for health

Special Tonik with an ordinary chanterelle contains an active complex of a fox and cedar nut, aimed at restoring the functions and states of the liver, the prevention of helminth infections, hepatosis, viral and toxic changes in the liver, degenerative and tumor changes. Special tonic fox with an ordinary fox - extraordinary oil from Nuclei cedar of the Siberian and fruiting body of a fox ordinary.
Composition: Oil of cedar cedar nuclei, a fruit body of an ordinary fox.
Extraordinary oil from cedar nuclei and ordinary chanterelles has an active effect on changes in the liver and pancreas, as well as concomitant disorders of the lymph flow:
With liver hepatosis (degeneration of liver cells, obesity of the liver),
With liver and gallbladder helminthias,
With stones in the gall bladder,
With viral and infectious processes in the liver (hepatitis),
With tumor changes,
With degenerative liver processes (destruction),
With alcohol intoxication, drugs, poisons,
With obesity, excess weight, violation of metabolic processes and carbohydrate-lipid metabolism,
With inflammatory processes as a result of malnutrition and eating fatty and spicy foods,
With allergic processes,
In case of violation of the assimilation of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances,
with acne and acne,
with lymphotoxicosis and impaired lymph flow.
fatty hepatosis (fatty liver dystrophy) is a chronic liver disease in which the functional liver cells (hepatocytes) degenerate into adipose tissue. The liver becomes a useless organ that does not perform the functions of purification, fermentation, splitting of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
After a while, if you do not take preventive products, problems arise with other organs and systems of the body. At the same time, the following symptoms occur: nausea, stupid aching pains or heaviness in the right hypochondrium and epigastrium (under a spoon), weather phenomena, rashes on the skin, hair loss and early gray hair, allergies, increased fatigue, apathy, visual impairment.
In the first place - significant overweight. If this is about you, then you are in a large company - according to the World Health Organization, overweight is global non -infectious* pandemia (*non -infectious means that you are not recognized as sick).
Alcohol is the second cause of fatty hepatosis after obesity. In a healthy liver, alcohol is converted into a relatively safe substance - acetate. But this is precisely in a healthy liver with moderate consumption and if the drink contains pure alcohol. Modern “fashionable” drinks such as whiskey, brandy, cocktails contain dangerous toxic substances.
taking drugs is another cause of hepatosis. Drug hepatosis affects even young and slender.
An unbalanced vegetarian diet can lead to fatty hepatosis. The reason is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which occurs as an body response to a lack of proteins.
harmful professions, such as the builder, painter, chemist, etc., provide guaranteed and constant poisoning of the body. Protective agents delay only part of toxic substances, and part of them penetrates through the skin.
Therefore, cough, pulmonary diseases, rashes on the skin, etc. - There are frequent phenomena. And, of course, everything goes to the liver, so in 2-3 years there is a real opportunity to get fatty hepatosis.
Usually, with a long fat load on the liver, fatty hepatosis is formed by 40 years, but recently it is found in younger ones. This is due to the cross effect of several factors at once: overweight, toxic alcohol and (or) medicinal load.
If nothing is done, then cirrhosis of the liver develops, and this is an irreversible phase.
The weakened liver begins to produce poor -quality bile, moreover, stagnation forms in the gall bladder. Under these conditions, the parasitic flora develops and begins to corrode walls of the gallbladder - this is cholecystitis.
Protecting, the body encloses parasites in a dense shell. So stones in the gall bladder are formed, cysts in the liver itself, in the intestine, etc.
The lack of bile leads to the overload of the pancreas and provokes pancreatitis. As a result, the pancreas produces insufficient digestive enzymes, which violates the process of digestion of food and, most importantly, proteins - parasites consist of. This creates the conditions for their propagation in the intestines, some species are populated directly into the pancreas and destroy it.
As a result, the parasitic flora populates the entire intestines, takes away all vitamins from food, instead of which excrement of parasites enters the blood, which additionally poison the liver and the entire body. You feel it like bloating and seething in your stomach, fast fatigue, rashes on the skin, hair loss, fragility of nails, expansion of veins, etc.
Fox - contains a polysaccharide of Hinomannosa, which kills worms, their larvae and creates conditions in the body that are incompatible with the life of parasites. Thus, the body itself is cleansed, and hence the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, normalization of metabolic processes and elimination of excess weight, allergic reactions, skin lesions, acne, etc. In addition, biologically active substances of the chanterelles actively affect the enzymes of the liver, which are responsible for processing and removing fat. If these enzymes work well, then excess weight does not threaten, but, of course, with proper nutrition and without abuse of harmful synthetic products and GMOs.
Cedar oil - enhances the action of the chanterelle and even more actively helps to free the body from harmful “inhabitants”, toxins, and also actively restores immunity and normal metabolic processes, normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels that change during hepatosis.
Complex of the chanterelles in cedar oil - does not cause addiction, a simple and effective natural product made using special technology without heating and aggressive exposure. This is a native complex, i.e. All molecules and cells of plant materials are in the form unchanged in the cell structure, and therefore, most effectively and harmoniously affect the whole organism as a whole
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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