Pain relief gel (150 ml)

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Category:Products for health

Group identity; myostimulator. Active ingredients: Camphor, extracts: harpagophytum, arnica, white willow, ginger. Product facts:Recovery, restorative effect to muscles and joints. Uses directions: Rheumatism, arthritis pain relief. Interactions with other drugs: Drugs: Grapple plant, Сhitosan Plus, Flexible spine, Sango Coral, Kieselerde, Arginin, Magnesium with vitamin C, Shark cartilage. Oils: flaxseed oil, juniper oil. External use: Sustained balm. Badger (bear) fat. Patches: bamboo, detox. Additional suppliments: juice Noni juice, Aloe vera juice, Chlorella, Tibetan capsules. Do not use if you have personal intolerance to product components. Use direction: Apply to painful areas with soft massage movements till full absorption of the product 2-3 times a day. Special recommendations: No side effects was found, consult with a doctor before use. (free assistance) Tel. 09233-400115
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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