
Incense (weihrauch) 60 capsules

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Category:Products for health
Dimensions: 60x60x150cm

The healing properties of incense for the treatment of joints and disease Alzheimer

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about the incense (Weihrauch) is aromatic smoking, which have been permeated by the air of churches from time immemorial. But not many people know about the healing properties of the inlet wood (lat. Boswellia saacra) But even the ancient healers of Tibet, India, China, Egypt used juice, tar and essential oils in incense to heal the wounds, treat bones and strengthen memory. Recently, modern medicine also recognized its strength and made an unexpected discovery ...

It turns out that this plant contains a greater concentration of bosvellic acid.
A unique substance has a strong anti -inflammatory, calming and antiseptic effect. Thus, bosvellyic acid prevents the penetration of white blood cells into the joint fluid, prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue, activates recovery processes, thereby reducing pain, stiffness, edema and joints of the joints. European scientists also proved that Boswellial acid favorably affects nervous processes, mental activity and helps in the fight against Alzheimer"s disease, from which approximately 15 million people in the world suffer from statistics (850 thousand in Germany) The most effective incense when taking orally is easily absorbed by the body, without causing side effects.

We are pleased to offer you a novelty - Weihrauch (60 capsules), based on boswellic acid (65%, 400 mg in one capsule) Thanks to the active formula of the drug, you will notice the first result in a couple of months:

• Lumbar pains, joint pains, arthrosis, arthritis, myosites (muscle inflammation), osteoporosis will retreat. Attention! Weihrauch is a natural alternative to harmful antibiotics and analgesic. After passing the course, you will again feel the joy of the fullness and strength of the movement!
• Weihrauch will help reduce cholesterol, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, enhance blood microcirculation in foci of inflammation, which will provide speedy healing of tissues (for example, with injuries, wounds and stretching).
• The nervous system is strengthened, you will become calmer and more balanced, memory will improve. It will be easier for you to cope with stress and mental stress. Weihrauch is recommended as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent from Alzheimer"s disease.

These are the unexpected properties of incense. If you have questions, for example, whether there are contraindications for the use of the drug or do you want to learn about all the healing qualities of boswiffe acid, contact doctors of the Vera Health Center directly. Order a natural drug Weihrauch.
He will help strengthen the body and calm the soul!

Clinical research
Recently, European scientists tested the effect of Ladan -based drugs on a group of patients aged 55 years suffering from Alzheimer"s disease to varying degrees (from year to five years) and came to encouraging conclusions. After a month of taking incense in 75 % of cases, patients had noticeable enlightenment. “Confusion” decreased, difficulties in finding words, vibrations of mood, accompanied by aggression, began to appear less often, patients begin to better navigate in space, realize reality, and recognize loved ones. Longer therapy with incense (3-5 months) fixes the resulting effect and helps to further reduce all the symptoms of Alzheimer"s disease
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:15x6x6 cm

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