Horse Health of Body Cream with Chondroitin and Glucosamine, 125 ML

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Category:Products for health
Dimensions: 55x40x200cm

Вода, глицерин, масло подсолнечное, каприк/каприлик триглицериды, глицерил стеарат, диметикон, циклопентасилоксан, циклогексасилоксан, цетеариловый спирт, стеариновая кислота, цетилфосфат калия, ментол, камфора, биостимулирующий комплекс микрокапсул проникающих (вода, лецитин, глицерин, цетилпальмитат , Collagen Hydrolyyzate), a biostimulating Complex of b vitamins (Water, D-Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B5), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6)), Mummy, Chon. Droitin Sulfate (Bull-Calf), Glucoseamin Sulfate , Collagen Hydrolyzate, Tritanolamine, Carbomer, Methylnicotinate, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexillyceerin, Dinatrian Salt Edta.
Active Components
Bully Chondroitin Basic Structural Component of Cartilage and Natural Defender (Chondroproprotector) of Its Cells. It is produced by the capelage tissue of the Joints, is part of the synovial fluid. Increases Moisture Content of Cartilage, Prevents Its Drying. Slets The Resorption (Destruction) of Bone Tissue, Improves Phosphorus-Calcium Metabolism in Cartilage. Provides Mechanical and Elastic Properties of Articular Surface, Stimulates The Regeneration of Articular Tissues, Improves the Quality of Articular Lubrication. Active Glucosamine (Gluco-Samine) is a Chondroproprotector, The Most Important Element of Cartilage Fabric. Improvs Metabolic Processes in the Joints, Stimulates the Production of Glucosamino Glucans Necessary to Restore Cartilage Tissue, As Well as The Synthesis of ProteoglyCans and Hyaluronic Acid Synovial Fluid. The Development of Degenerative Processes in the Joints Inhibits. It has an anti -Inflammatory Effect, Promotes The Regeneration of Cartilage in Inflammatory Phenomena, and Reduces Pain. Collagen - Fibrillar Protein, Forms The Basis of the Connective Tissue of the Body (Tendons, Cartilage, Bone) And Provides Its Strength and Elasticity. Promotes Regeneration and StrengThening of Cartilage, Ligaments, Increases Their Strength and Elasticity, Improvs The Mobility of Joints and Spine. It Forms an Ultra -Resistant Extracellular Structure to Protect Cartilage Tissue. Vitamins of Group B Strengthen The Collagen Frame of Bone Tissue, Help Maintain the Balance of Mineral and Salt Exchange. They Stimulate Articular Metabolism, With Arthrosis and Arthritis Contribute to the Restoration of Cartilage Cells. Inhibit Age-Reelated Degenerative-Dystrophic Processes in the Joints, Prevent the Accumulation of Homocysteine ​​that Damages Connective Tissues. Mumiyo (Asphaltum) - One of the Most PowerFul Natural Biostimulants, Has Been Wideli Used in More than 3 Thousand Years. In Diseases and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System, IT Activates Reparative Processes, Accelerates The Restoration of Bones and Joints, Proliferation of Connective Tissue Cells, Sl Ows Down The Processes of Joint Anging, and Helps to Reduce the Aches that Occuss During Weather Changes. It has anti -reinforced, anti -Inflammatory, antitoxic, Immunostimulating, General Strengthening Properties, and Enhances the Effect of Drug Plants Sevorel Times. Mentholum Is the Main Component of Pepperint Oil (Mentha Piperita) IT HAS A LOCAL VASOCOSTRICTOR EFFect, Lowering the Sensitivity of the Nerv Endings, Causing a Sensation of Coolness and Alleviation Pain. IT HAS A LOCAL ANALGESIC, SOOTHING, Expressed BACTERICIDAL and ANTI -InflamMatory Effects. Camphora (Camphora) is a vegetable tool. Thanks to a wide range of therapeutic properties, it is used in many areas of medicine. WITH EXTERNAL USE in the Joints, It is antiseptic, cooling - Warming, Anaalgesic and Anti -inflammatory Effects, Expands Blood Vessels and Improves Trophic of Perering Tissues. It is Extracted from the Leaves and Wood of Camphor Wood Ciamomum Camphora, Growing in India and China. The Biostimulating Complex of the Microcapsules of the Penetrating is a “Vehicle” to Provides Rapid and UNHINDERED PENETANTIONS Substances Thrush The Skin into de Ly ERS. Releced from Microcapsules, The Components of the Cream Begin to Act in Close Proximity, Which Allows You Maximum Efficiency.
Recommentations for use
Apply the Cream to the Body with Light Circular Motions for 3-5 Minutes Until Completly Absorbed 2-3 Times a Day. The Cream is Intended for Daily Use
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:20x5.5x4 cm

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