
Herbal concentrate antiparasitic 500 ml

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Category:Products for health

This modern concentrate is a prototype of such a long -proven plant product as a triplet.

The composition of the concentrate speaks for itself: Bitter wormwood, walnut, cloves.

The effect of the use of the concentrate is verified and sufficient to use it in all age

Walnut for a long time used in folk medicine. The pharmacological properties of a walnut are wide enough. Walnut preparations have generally strengthening, bactericidal, hemostatic, anti -inflammatory, anti -sclerotic, anti -glutal properties.

Bitter wormwood has an incredibly bitter taste, it charges the body with energy and increases the tone of the whole organism. Especially valuable wormwood became when its properties were opened on the same time with discoveries regarding microorganisms living in the body of each person. Each person has bacteria in the body that greatly harm our health.
The number of these bacteria includes chlamydia, various viruses, Gardenells and of course helminths of all stripes. These macro and microorganisms destroy the host’s body from the inside, causing a violation in metabolism, causing diathesis, allergies, psoriasis, sometimes with very strong lesions and a weak organism, this can even lead to a heart attack.
Wormwood is one of the few available folk remedies that easily copes with these bacteria and removes them from the body.
Also, using wormwood, the body is cleansed and weight loss.

Cloves in folk medicine, the clove received its application due to the following properties: as hemostatic, diaphoretic, analgesic. The cloves received wide comprehensive use because it repeatedly enhances the antiparasitic properties of other herbs and seeds with their joint use
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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