Goji Doctor with Luteolin, 30 capsules of 500 mg each

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Category:Products for health

Comzhidor ® is a specially designed complex based on natural components in an active micellar form aimed at eliminating the causes of visual impairment, restoring visual mechanisms and regulating the work of organs and systems to further restore vision and maintain the functions of the eye.
To optimize the processes of restoration of vision, regardless of the causes of its violation, it is necessary to normalize the functions of the immune system, endocrine system, metabolism, cardiovascular system. With reduced immunity in the body, foreign cells are always present, destabilizing the condition and functions of many body systems:
The metabolism is disturbed, which leads to hormonal imbalance and an increase in blood sugar,
The composition and rheology of the blood is disturbed, which leads to thrombosis and fragility of capillaries, and normal capillary and cerebral circulation is very important for restoring vision and preventing its decrease, toxins are formed in the body, accelerated aging of the body"s tissue occurs, including Crystalus of the eye and cornea,
The condition of the nerve fibers is disturbed, which leads to retinal detachment and the formation of a yellow spot in the elderly.

Complex Cityzhidkor ® has a directed effect on the eye function by regulating the work of the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, and prevent the processes of aging of the body. Cityzhidkor ® contains the micellar active form of luteoline in the composition of the native extract of olive leaves.

Lutheololin - a natural flavonoid, is a powerful antioxidant. As you know, the cause of a violation of the lens of the eye, cataracts and glaucoma is a photograph of the lens of the eye. Lutheolin prevents the destructive processes of photography of the lens at a young age. Due to increased antioxidant activity, luteine ​​has an antihistamine effect and prevents allergic eye processes and allergic reactions in the body. Lutheololin has an effective anti -inflammatory effect, and in combination with other components of the Comzhidor ® simultaneously eliminates inflammatory processes in the brain and other organs. Inflammation of the brain is one of the main causes of vision of vision at any age. In older people, as a result of age -related changes, inflammation of the brain is almost always present if a person does not correct this state by taking antioxidants. Lutheolin increases the body"s protective forces and prevents the formation of cancer cells. Lutheolin also strengthens the capillaries, prevents their brittleness, which contributes to admission to the eyeball and organs of the eyes of nutrients, oxygen and blood, thereby preventing a decrease in vision and degenerative changes in the lens, cornea, retina, and normalizes the pressure of the fundus.

Cityzhidoktor ® contains an optimal complex for simultaneous restoration of vision, immunity and functions of other organs, divided into two forms of the content of a plant capsule.

The color capsule contains native extracts of the fruits of the Comger, Cordyceps, Propolis.
A colorless capsule contains a native extract of olive leaves
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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