Evalar Prohopsha Extract (20 tab)

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Category:Products for health

Our health largely depends on the state of the liver - a vital organ involved in almost all types of metabolism and performing a protective (barrier) function of the body. An unfavorable environmental situation, irrational nutrition, bad habits - all this increases the load on the liver and negatively affects the condition of its cells. Therefore, liver cells need additional protection and resources for their natural update.

Caring for the state of the liver is a concern for your own health.

Hands of Extract - a reliable defender of your liver!

The milk thistle was known in ancient Rome with its use in food poisoning. Currently, milk thistle has been quite investigated and is widely used in many countries of the world. The unique, characteristic only for milk thistle, a combination of flavonoids (flavologenans) is called silimarine.

Silimarin is one of the well -known complex of natural compounds today that protects the liver cells and helps maintain its functions.

Silimarin of the milk thistle contributes to:

Protection and natural renewal of liver cells
Improving the functional state of the liver
Hands of extract - a complex of natural origin for the health of the liver:

A complex of flavonoids (flavologs) of the milk thistle is known for its ability to derive toxic substances, both coming from the outside and formed in the liver itself as a result of metabolism.

The properties of silimarin protecting the liver are due to its antioxidant function and the ability to strengthen cell membranes. Excessive accumulation of lipid peroxidation products is one of the leading mechanisms to reduce the viability of the liver cells (hepatocytes) This leads to a decrease in the strength of the lipid layer of cell membranes. Silimarin prevents the accumulation of lipid hydraulic transmission and thereby increases the protection of liver cells. In addition, stabilizing the cell membrane of hepatocytes, Silimarin slows down the intake of toxic substances in them. Silimarin also supports metabolism in the liver, as a result of which the liver functions are further actively carried out.

Method of application:
adults 1 tablet per day during meals. The duration of the reception is 1 month. Prolonged use is allowed up to 3 months.

Not recommended:
Persons with individual intolerance to product components, pregnant, breastfeeding. Before use, you need to consult a doctor
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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