Essential ginger oil, 10ml

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Category:Products for health
Dimensions: 30x30x80cm

Ginger essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the roots. The aroma of the essential oil of ginger is bright and contrasting with a cool citrus grassy initial note, fresh camphor wood aspects, reminiscent of the aroma of Lavra and Mirta essential oil, an aspect of cardamom with a light metal note. Ginger oil also has warm specific-balsamic, spicy pepper, slightly earthy basic tones and sweet biscuit nuance.

Cosmetic action:
- recommended for aging flabby skin, increases elasticity and tones
- improves the condition of oily skin, narrowing and cleansing the pores
- has bleaching properties, eliminates age pigmentation
- regenerates the skin with herpetic rash
- provides additional assistance in the fight against cellulite, improving blood circulation
- ensures resorption of scars, scars, stretch marks
- nourishes hair roots, strengthens it, restores hair growth.

Psycho-emotional action:
- removes from apathetic conditions, charges with positive energy, carries enthusiasm and confidence in itself
- helps with headaches, migraines, nausea
- strengthens the attraction, opening the second wind of both partners.

household application:
- has a repellent effect against mosquitoes
- used for wet cleaning and disinfection of premises
- is a natural flavor of air
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:8x3x3 cm

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