Ear -ears for children. 2 pcs

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Category:Products for health
Dimensions: 325x12x100cm

The Natural Components of the Ear Phytoswicks Provide Anti -inflammatory, Analgesic and Antispasmodic Effects Whathout Side Effects. The Phytototherapeutic Effect is Achieved by a Combination of Natural Soft Heat and Vacuum Therapy When Burning a Candle, Which Leads to Relief of Nasal Breathing and Hearting Improprove ment. Treatment Can BE Successfully Carried out at home.
Bee Wax, Propolis Extract, Essential Oils (Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Lavender, Mint, etc), Composition of Healing Herbs.
• diseases of the ear, throat, nasal of an inflammatory nature (acute and chronic rhinitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis),
• inflammatory diseases of the sinuses (sinusitis, frontitis),
• Ear sulfur plugs,
• noise in the ears, various etiologies, some cases of hearing reduction,
• dizziness, headaches, migraines,
• sleep disturbances,
• nervousness, irritability, irritability , stress state,
• Auditory Nerv neuritis, otosclerosis,
• Stimulation of metabolic processes,
• Stimulation and normalization of energy in this area.
• Purulent DischaRge from the EAR,
• Damage to the Eardrum and EXTERNAL AUDITERY PASSAGE,
Tumor Processes in the Head Area,
• a Llergic Reactions to products beekeeping.
Method of Application:
• To Perform the Procedure, Prepare: Two PhytosWorms, Coating on your Head, Wands with A Cotton Wools, Matches, a Glass of Water, Children"s C Ream, Cotton Wool,
• go to your right side put a smallow under your head, Cover your head with a cotton with a slot for an ear,
• Make a Light Massage of the Auricyle with A Ceam,

Light The Upper End of the PhytosWors, The Lower (With Foil) Carefully Assign to the Outer Auditory Aircraft the Candle Shoup Burn Outl of Foul (Marks), Thex Tinguish Its Glasses with Water,
• The Ear Peel a Stick with Cotton, Lay with Cotton for 10-15 minute,
• Repeat the Procedure for the Right Ear,
• Remove the phytosvets, take out of a glass of water and check their contents.
On the day of The procedures should not be wetted with chronic diseases, 5-6 treatment sessions are recommended 1 time per week, with acute -1 times in 2-3 days
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:10x32.5x1.2 cm

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