DIODE "Iodine-Active" 40tab

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Category:Products for health

Diode "iodine-active"
To solve the problem of the iodine deficiency of the Medical Radiological Scientific Center of the RAM (Obninsk), the drug iodine, recommended as an additional source of iodine was developed. The iodine-active was created on the basis of a unique long-term experience in treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases, including after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
The “iodine-active” tablets are based on an organic iodine that is well perceived by a person, which scientists built into a milk protein molecule. The idea of ​​combining iodine with milk to strengthen health was proposed by the Russian scientist and clergyman Father Pavel Florensky. This is an analogue of the natural connection of iodine, which we begin to receive already with the first drops of breast milk.
The uniqueness of the “iodine -active” tablets is that it is “smart iodine”: with a deficiency of iodine - it is actively absorbed, and with excess - is excreted from the body, without entering the thyroid gland. This is due to the fact that iodine is hidden from milk protein under the influence of liver enzymes, which are produced with a lack of iodine. When iodine in the body is enough, enzymes are not produced and the “iodine-active” is excreted naturally, without absorbing into the blood
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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