Dikula Khilokost+ Boswelli Patch Balsam Body 125ml

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Category:Products for health
Dimensions: 55x40x200cm

12 natural active components of the Dikul Pharmacy series are a natural body for the body in the joints and spine. The action of the balm is aimed at activating blood circulation and normalizing metabolism in tissues, as well as preserving a healthy functional state, inhibition of destructive processes. The trench is urinal in therapeutic effect on the bones and joints. This is reflected in its folk names: livestock, law, and in scientific: symphytum, from Greek Symphyo, connect, connect. With articular diseases and injuries, as a healing, anti -inflammatory, anti -rheumatic agent, there are no equal trenches. Its healing properties were highly appreciated by doctors from Paracelsus to Pirogov. The tissue was especially famous for its ability to quickly heal wounds and injuries, which was the first means of helping the wounded in the field. The striking healing effect of the trench is associated with the high content of allantoin, which is not only characterized by a powerful bactericidal and anti -inflammatory effect, but also has a unique ability to stimulate the formation of new, healthy cells of any tissue. In articular diseases, the tissue relieves inflammation and swelling, and most importantly, activates the processes of updating and regeneration of cartilage.
Boswielia (Funny) - has pronounced anti -inflammatory, antiseptic properties. In ancient China, Egypt, India, at the cost, it was equated with precious stones. Healers and official medicine use it for rheumatism and other joint diseases. The active components of the Bosvelia inhibit inflammatory processes in the joints, contribute to the restoration of damaged vessels and improve the nutrition of the joints. Thanks to its healing properties, the Boswiel is considered a sacred tree and is used not only in medicine, but also in worship.
The golden mustache, which is part of Balzam, is one of the most effective means of traditional medicine, which has gained immense popularity in recent years. Rich in biologically active substances, golden mustache is a powerful biogenic stimulant, which enhances the action of all components that make up the composition.
A complex of extracts of medicinal plants, compiled according to the principle of synergism, has anti -inflammatory effects, promotes the removal of salts, relieve edema and muscle spasm, activates blood circulation and improves tissue trophism.
Chondroitin sulfate is an important component of the cartilage, an effective chondroprotector. Activates the processes of cartilage regeneration, increases moisture content in cartilage, preventing drying, maintaining elasticity and elasticity.
Mummy - a powerful biostimulator rich in active substances. Slets the process of aging of the joint, accelerates the restoration of bones and joints, helps to reduce the aches that occurs during weather changes
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:20x5.5x4 cm

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