Chlorophyl coniferous elixir mint, 100 ml

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Category:Products for health
Dimensions: 43x43x110cm
Many residents of large megacities and people who work in harmful industries receive a dose of toxins daily. These toxins gradually accumulate in the body and lead to severe pathologies and premature old age. The situation is aggravated by improper nutrition and bad habits.

In order to minimize the effects of harmful factors, it is necessary to regularly spend time in nature, breathe fresh air, use fresh, natural products, but not every modern person has this opportunity. That is why the coniferous elixir of Bioenergi+ was developed based on caroten-chlorofill paste "mint", which will help relieve the load on the body, remove toxins and establish the work of the main systems of the human body.

F.T. Solodky is the Leningrad professor, who once graduated from the Forestry Technical Academy, the founder of forest biochemistry - the scientific sphere, which studies the recognition, extraction and disposal of living elements of trees. The scientist was interested in the unique properties of coniferous trees, in particular, their ability to maintain color under the influence of high temperatures (more than 50 degrees).

Solodky was the first scientist who was able to extract biologically active wood elements and find their use in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical industry. Since the time of the USSR, many remember the famous coniferous soap, the aroma and beneficial properties of which have received almost worldwide fame. Another famous coniferous product of that era-chlorophyll-carotene pasta is the main folk doctor, which could be found on the shelves of the pharmacy kiosks.

During the Great Patriotic War, the infusion of this coniferous pasta saved soldiers and civilians from a number of diseases: scurvy, rickets, smallpox, rickets, tuberculosis.

Using chlorophyll-carotene pasta, it was possible to restore health in a short time and survive in very strict military conditions. For these miracles, this product was called Elixir of Life.

Indications for use
The main indications for taking the concentrated elixir Bioenergi+ "Mint" are common adverse external factors and habits:

harmful working conditions,
accommodation in an ecologically unfavorable region,
The risk of developing oxidant lung damage,
Natural elixir based on coniferous extract and menthol is useful to all people of advanced age and frequent people, as well as with:

asthenic syndrome,
iron deficiency anemia,
reduced immunity
Chronic lung diseases,
diseases of the thyroid gland with hypofunction,
nervous disorders (insomnia, functional pathologies of a nervous nature, chronic fatigue syndrome, stressful condition, constant mental overload).
The coniferous elixir of youth "mint" will also help to recover faster after chemotheravia, radiation therapy, surgery, serious injuries, too intense physical exertion, as cancer and prevention of SARS, other seasonal diseases.

Useful properties

coniferous elixir "Mint" has a mass of useful properties, among which the following should be distinguished:

Activates the restoration of damaged tissues,
Enhances hematopoiesis processes,
Improves immunity,
It has antimicrobial and antioxidant effects,
Enhances inflammatory processes,
normalizes the hormonal balance in the body,
supports the state of the reproductive system,
slows down the aging process,
reduces the risk of the appearance and development of cancer, benign neoplasms,
warns diabetes, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, cataract,
restores life tone and energy potential,
reduces blood cholesterol, improves the composition of the lymph
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:11x4.3x4.3 cm

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