Bishophyte with fir oil (500 ml)

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Category:Products for health

The fir of bishophytes has anti -inflammatory, absorbing, antispathetic, vasodilating, and calming effects. Bishophytic baths with a fir will help restore a favorable emotional state. Fresh, forest, spicy fragrance inspires optimism and tones the body. The anti -aging abilities of Bishophyte Fir will delight each of you.

Thanks to its composition in 1985, the healing properties of Bishophyte were officially recognized. Today, this mineral is used both in pharmaceuticals and in cosmetology.

Therapeutic and cosmetic properties:

has a favorable effect on the whole organism thanks to a rich mineral composition,
relieves inflammation and pain,
relaxes and calms down,
accelerates the healing process of wounds,
accelerates the regeneration of the skin,
rejuvenates the skin and makes it noticeably more elastic.


bromine chlormagne brine, essential oil, dye.

Method of application:

shake the contents of the bottle before use.

General and local baths:

Dissolve 100 ml of bishophyte per 5 liters of water or 1-2 liters per bath with a volume of 150-200 liters, water temperature 35-37 ° C. The duration of admission of procedures is 10-15 minutes, take a course of 10-15 procedures every other day.

It is not recommended to wash with the use of soap after taking the bath.

Compresses and rubbing:

The painful part of the body is warm with a heating pad for 3-5 minutes. Heat 20-30 ml of bishophytes to 38-40 ° C, wetting your fingers, rub into the skin for 3-5 minutes.

Use the rest of the drug for the compress. At the same time, you can influence 2-3 joints. The duration of the procedure is 8-10 hours. The course of 12-14 procedures carried out every other day. With the manifestation of signs of skin irritation, lubricate the place of exposure with a nutrient cream.

Rinse solutions:

Dissolve bischofit in warm boiled water in a proportion of 1: 5. It is recommended to carry out procedures 2 times a day (morning and evening) It is not advisable to get the solution inward, which can cause a stomach disorder.


Individual intolerance.

Bishophyt preparations Balzamir are contained as part of natural raw materials. In the production of Bishophytes, only the “clean” deposits of the Mineral of the Volgograd deposit are used, where the breed contains 93-96% of Bishophytes. The production process includes additional cleaning of the brine of impurities. Our products are of high quality, which we value very much!
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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