Beaver"s Secret ACTIVE Eye Drops, 10 ml

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Category:Products for health

Organelo-Kapli “Berrier"s Secret ® Asset is a native natural complex based on milky juice of plants and fruits with the addition of concentrates of reinforced natural components aimed at restoring the visual functions of the eye, preventing changes in the cornea and lens of the eye, eliminating infections and inflammatory processes.
Native eyes:
warns the clouding of the lens,
Improves vision, prevents a decrease,
Eliminates infections and inflammatory process:
Removes redness, irritation.

Composition: Milky juice of barley, clover, aloe, Moji fruits, nettles, parsley, blueberry fruits, blueberry fruits, native premium concentrate, dummy concentrate, native concentrate of a tarnish, native concentrate of a lesopeda, native concentrate of Seni, native concentrate ginkgo biloba, native tomato concentrate, native muscle extract of beaver, vitamin B2, carnosine, native extract of stem cells of Artemia, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E.

The native natural complex is active in relation to staphylococcal infection, inflammatory and allergic eyes, affects changes in the lens of the eye, prevents the clouding of the lens caused by various factors.
The native milky juice of plants and fruits improves capillary blood circulation of the eye, restores the tone and elasticity of capillaries, thereby contributes to the restoration of the visual functions of the eye, improve the mechanisms of daytime and night vision.
A complex of natural antioxidants - carnosine, vitamins C, A, E - prevents age -related vision changes, reduction of vision, aging of the lens.
Native concentrate of the beaver musk helps to restore the nerve fibers of the eye and sensitivity to the light, prevents capillary hemorrhage, optic atrophy, normalizes the pressure of the eye bottom, prevents cornea defects and disorders with myopia and farsightedness.
A complex of muscles of beaver and stem cells of Artemia stimulates the work of genes responsible for visual functions of the eye and prevents age -related changes in vision, disorders after injuries and toxic effects, hereditary visual impairment and eye functions.
Milky juice of barley, clover, aloe, the fruits of Coji, nettles, parsley and blueberries helps to improve capillary blood circulation of the eyes, supply all the components of the visual apparatus with nutrients and oxygen. Thus, the natural native complex prevents the formation and development of cataracts, glaucomas, changes in the fundus and lens, muscle tone of the eyelids. The natural complex for the eyes is recommended to be used to prevent vision reduction and during acute infection to eliminate the inflammatory process. Drops are checked for hypoallergenicity.
Drops contain biologically active substances - luteoline and zeaxantin in a natural native (unchanged) form, which is characterized by an effective effect on the eyes and contributes to the active restoration and prevention of possible changes in visual functions.
Clover juice - enhances capillary blood circulation, normalizes the pressure of the fundus, transports nutrients from the blood to the eye.
Milky juice of barley - prevents inflammatory processes as a result of infections and bacterial infection.
Milky aloe juice - contains natural vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, folic acid, contributes to moisturizing, nutrition of the eye tissue, prevents dryness and irritation, restores vision.
Milky juice of the fruits of the Gerja - actively saturates the tissues of the eye with nutrients, prevents the dystrophy of the eye muscles, eliminates impaired motor activity of the eyelids.
Milky nettle juice-contains a natural Bet-carotene, which strengthens the retina and improves vision.
Milky parsley juice - contains natural luteine, which is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates various visual impairment.
Milky blueberry juice - prevents a decrease in vision, enhances acuity at night, improves capillary blood circulation of the eyes, prevents a decrease in vision.
Pyrey"s native concentrate - has a powerful anti -inflammatory effect, eliminates barley, boils, eye helminthias, demodicosis.
Native concentrate of the fruits of a lemonnik - increases vision, relieves fatigue, has an antiseptic effect, prevents demodicosis.
Native concentrate of a tarnish - prevents tumor changes, changes in the fundus and violation of capillary blood supply, normalizes intraocular pressure.
Native concentrate of the lesedas - prevents herpetic rashes, demodecosis, inflammatory processes on the eyelids.
Native concentrate of the mustache - eliminates eye infections, helminthias, normalizes the moisture content of the mucous membrane of the eye.
Native concentrate of ginkgo bilobe - normalizes intraocular pressure, improves capillary blood circulation of the eyes, prevents the optic nerve atrophy, glaucoma and a decrease in vision.
Native tomato concentrate - contains lycopines, protects the eyes from the action of free radicals, prevents age -related changes in vision, and delays a drop in vision.
Vitamins B2, A, E, C in a complex - contribute to maintaining vision and strengthening of visual functions, preventing a decrease in vision, fighting inflammations and infections, contribute to maintaining vision during an intensive load on the eyes and after 50 years
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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