
Asai + 60 cap

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Category:Products for health

In 2005, the book of one American nutritionist was published. It was narrated about the wonderful properties of the fruits of one Brazilian palm. This exotic plant instantly has become popular among people striving for weight loss. The 21st century is the time of superfuds and miraculous fruits that cleanse the body contribute to weight loss.

Asai fruits are ordinary berries that grow on trees in Brazil. In size, they are small, round, their diameter is a maximum of 3 cm. Berries can differ in color: from green to dark purple, almost black.

These fruits have great energy value. Their composition contains about 3 thousand different components, for example: vitamins of group B, E, C, D, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus and even iron, omega-6 and 9, also known as fatty acids. By the content of healthy fats, they can be compared with olive oil. ASAI contains more protein than chicken eggs.

But the main thing that these fruits are rich is antioxidants. Asai is usually called the most antioxidant product, which means that they can be used to preserve youth. In addition, they strengthen immunity, remove toxins, contribute to the normalization of metabolism, charge energy, restore strength, normalizes sleep, and minimizes stress.

ASAI fruits impede the development of cancer, heart diseases and are effective for weight loss. The rich chemical composition of the Brazilian berry of ASAI determines the following benefit for the human body: it positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system - the use of berries helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, normalizes the level of blood glucose, prevents the development of ischemia and atherosclerosis, moisturize the skin, slow down aging processes, and increases Immunity, has anti -inflammatory effects, eliminates toxins, toxins and harmful substances from the body, slows down aging processes, eliminates fatigue, gives a charge of vivacity, increases mental activity, fights for a violation of the sleep regime, has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, and eliminates stresses

Take-1-3 capsules per day
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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