
Amino acid complex 60 cap

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Category:Products for health

Amino acids and vitamins to improve brain function.

Amino acids are organic compounds that perform building functions for the production of proteins and muscle tissues of the human body. The body, assimilating amino acids, reproduces tens of thousands of proteins and enzymes, directly affecting the activities of the central nervous system and brain, as well as the normal development and functioning of other organs. Amino acids, acting as neurotransmitters, affect short -term and long -term memory, aggravate intelligence and ability to learn.

For coordinated functioning of the body, the entire set of amino acids is important, but for optimal brain activity and the central nervous system, amino acids such as triptophanes, tyrosine, glycine and glutamic acid are especially necessary. They are highlighted in the table with a red marker. Most of them are neurotransmitters - active biological substances responsible for the broadcast of nerve impulses, and therefore for memory, intelligence and excitability of the central nervous system. The second group of amino acids is highlighted by a green marker, it is also a very active participant in mental and intellectual stress. These amino acids are responsible for the stability of the psyche, even mood, mental activity and attention. Most of them are used in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

The third group - amino acids producing mental energy - are distinguished by a yellow marker. This group of amino acids is responsible for the endurance of the nervous system and supports the brain at prolonged loads.

Isolecin is an indispensable amino acid that determines physical and mental endurance, because regulates the processes of energy supply of the body. It is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, regulates blood sugar. Due to the above properties, it is very important in physical exertion, as well as with psyche problems, including in mental illness. The lack of isolecin causes excitement, anxiety, anxiety, fear, fatigue, dizziness, fainting, rapid heartbeat, sweating.
Sources of isolacin: almonds, cashew, chicken, Turkish peas, eggs, fish, lentils, liver, meat, rye, most seeds, soy proteins.

Leucin is a very important indispensable amino acid that does not directly affect the brain, but is a source of mental energy. It stimulates the growth hormone and thus promotes the restoration of bones, skin, muscles. It slightly lowers blood sugar, recommended in the recovery period after injuries and operations.
sources of leucine: brown rice, beans, meat, nuts, soy and wheat flour.

Lizin is an indispensable amino acid that is involved in the synthesis, the formation of collagen and tissue restoration. The lack of lysine can lead to irritability, fatigue and weakness, poor appetite, deceleration of growth and a decrease in body weight. The lease is involved in the synthesis of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and thus contributes to the antiviral protection of the body. It is necessary for the normal formation of bones and the growth of children, helps to absorb calcium and maintain a normal exchange of nitrogen in adults.
Food sources of lysine are: cheese, eggs, fish, milk, potatoes, red meat, soy and yeast products.

phenylalanine is an indispensable amino acid. In the body, it can turn into another amino acid - tyrosine, which, in turn, is used in the synthesis of the main neurotransmitter: dopamine. Therefore, this amino acid affects the mood, reduces pain, improves memory and ability to teach, suppresses appetite. Phenylalanine is used in the treatment of arthritis, depression, pain during menstruation, migraine, obesity.
phenylalanine contains: in beef, chicken meat, fish, soybeans, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, and is also an integral part of synthetic sugar -substituter - aspartama (active discussions are currently being conducted regarding the danger of this sugar -replacement).

Treononin is an indispensable amino acid that helps maintain normal protein metabolism in the body. It is important for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helps the liver and is involved in the exchange of fats in combination with aspartic acid and methionine. Treononin is in the heart, the central nervous system, skeletal muscles and prevents the deposition of fats in the liver. This amino acid stimulates immunity, as it promotes antibodies.
Treononin in small quantities is contained in grains, so vegetarians more often have a deficiency of this amino acid.

Triptofan is an indispensable amino acid that is directly transformed in the human body into serotonin - a neurotransmitter that causes mental relaxation and creates a sense of emotional well -being. In people who are in a state of depression, there is little both serotonin and tripophanes in the blood. Their low content in the body causes depression, anxiety, insomnia, attention disorders, hyperactivity, migraine, headaches, tension. The high content of tryptophan can cause fatigue and difficulty breathing in people suffering from asthma. Triptofan is a magnificent natural sleeping pill. It is a lot in carbohydrates, especially in bananas, as well as in vegetable oil and milk. Milk improves sleep at night due to tripophanes. In 1988, the sale of a tripophane in the form of the drug was prohibited, because Cases of heart failure were recorded.
Triptofan contains: oats, bananas, dried dates, arahis, sesame seeds, cedar nuts, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, fish, chicken, turkey, meat.

Valin - an indispensable amino acid, is one of the main components of the growth and synthesis of body tissues, stimulates mental activity, activity and coordination. Valin is necessary for metabolism in the muscles, the restoration of damaged tissues, can be used by muscles as a source of energy. With a lack of valley, coordination of body movements is disturbed and the sensitivity of the skin to numerous stimuli increases.
A lot of valley contains: in soy and other legumes, hard cheeses, caviar, cottage cheese, nuts and seeds, in meat and poultry, eggs. Significantly less - in cereals and pasta.

Alanin is an important source of energy for the brain and central nervous system. It is necessary to maintain muscle tone and adequate sexual function. A blood sugar regulator is involved in the synthesis of antibodies (stimulates immunity) It is synthesized from extensive amino acids (leucine, isolacin, valin) Widely distributed in living nature. The body seeks to maintain a constant level of glucose in the blood, so the drop in sugar levels and a lack of carbohydrates in food leads to the fact that muscle protein is destroyed, and the liver turns the obtained alanine into glucose.

Glycine is a regulator of metabolism, normalizes and activates the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces psycho -emotional stress, and increases mental performance. It is necessary for the central nervous system and a good state of the prostate gland. It is used in the treatment of depressive conditions. It contributes to the mobilization of glycogen from the liver and is the initial raw material in the synthesis of creatine, the most important energy carrier. The lack of this amino acid leads to a decrease in energy level in the body.
Glycine has nootropic properties, improves memory and ability to teach.

Histidin is an indispensable amino acid that contributes to the growth and restoration of tissues. Histidine is part of myelin shells that protect nerve cells, and is also necessary for the formation of red and white blood cells. Carnosine is a dipeptide (beta-alanil-l-hystidine) contained in the muscles, brain and other tissues. Homocarnosine is a dipeptide, a related gamma-aminobutanic acid and histidine, which is located only in the brain, usually in the subclass of gamma-aminobutan neurons. Scientists also suggest that carnosine and homocarnosine can have neuroprotective effects with ischemia and influence the nervous function. Too high the content of histidine can lead to stress and even mental disorders (excitement and psychoses) Histidine is easier than other amino acids stand out in the urine. Since it binds zinc, large doses can lead to a deficiency of this metal. Metionine helps to lower the level of histidine in the body. Histamine, a very important component of many immunological reactions, is synthesized from histidine. Histamine also contributes to the occurrence of sexual arousal. People suffering from manic-depressive psychosis should not take histidine, except when the deficiency of this amino acid is precisely established. Natural sources of histidine: bananas, fish, beef, wheat and rye.

Glutamin (glutamine) is produced in the brain, necessary for detoxification of ammonia - a by -product of protein metabolism. It also serves as the precursor of the brain neurotransmitters, such as the Glutamat exciting neurotransmitter and the suppressing neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutic acid. Gamma-aminomatic acid (Gaba) performs the function of the neurotransmitter of the central nervous system in the body. Gamma-aminomatic acid is prescribed for attention deficiency syndrome. Glutamine very easily penetrates through the hematoencephalic barrier and in the cells of the brain passes into glutamic acid and vice versa. Glutamine is in large quantities in the muscles and is used to synthesize protein cells of skeletal muscles. Glutamine improves brain activity and is therefore used for epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, impotence, schizophrenia, food additives containing glutamine should be stored only in a dry place, otherwise glutamine goes into ammonia and pyroglutamic acid. They do not take glutamine with cirrhosis, kidney diseases, Reye syndrome.

Proilin - the replaceable amino acid performs auxiliary gamut of the function of inhibition of the central nervous system, is contained in most proteins. Prailin became the basis for creating a new generation of new generation patented in Russia and the USA, which are shown during strokes, Down"s disease, mental retardation and memory impairment. Using a proline, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of learning.
Prolinin is contained in cottage cheese, in the cartilage of animals, in cereal grains, eggs.

Taurin has a protective effect on the brain. This amino acid in high concentration is contained in the heart muscle, central nervous system, and white blood cells. It is used for the prevention and treatment of hyperactivity, anxiety, excitement, epilepsy. It is synthesized in the human body subject to a sufficient amount of vitamin B6.
Taurin is contained in milk, meat, fish.

Tyrosin is the predecessor of neurotransmitters of Norepinephrine and Dopamin, has a positive foreign effect. This amino acid is involved in the regulation of mood, the lack of tyrosine leads to a deficiency of Norepinephrine, which, in turn, leads to depression. Tyrosine suppresses appetite, helps to reduce fat deposition, promotes the production of melatonin and improves the functions of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pituitary gland. Tyrosin also participates in the exchange of phenipalanin. Symptoms of tyrosine deficiency are also reduced blood pressure, low temperature of the TPA and restless legs syndrome. The use of biologically active food additives with tyrosine is used to relieve stress, they believe that they can help with chronic fatigue syndrome. They are used for alarm, depression, allergies and headaches, as well as when weaning from drugs
  • Category:Products for health
Dimensions:XX cm

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