
Water activator "shungite". Natural filter. 150 gr

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Category:Food for Health

Shungit is the oldest carbon -containing mineral on the planet. It has an unusual carbon matrix. Molecules of such carbon are called Fuller. In Karelia, the only Fuller -like shungite deposit was found on Earth.

It turned out that Shungite structures water, making it biologically active, and is the most powerful and long -acting antioxidant. Such water, possessing the energy -information matrix of shungite, becomes the water of the new generation. It helps all the biological structures of the body without suppressing healthy cells.

Shungy water acts on the body multiple. It has an analgesic anti -inflammatory effect. Its bactericidal properties, persistent antihistamine effect are unique. Due to its healing properties, shungite water helps in the treatment of various inflammatory, allergic, viral, skin, articular diseases, metabolic diseases (gastritis, colitis, influenza, bronchitis, gall and renal disease, diabetes mellitus, arthritis) Helps restore the immune and energy status with chronic fatigue syndrome. It has been proven that the flullyns impede the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis. No less interesting fact: Shungy water relieves a hangover. As lotions, it is used for ulcers, sluggishly healing wounds, spans, boils, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis. Perfectly anesthetize with burns!

Such water has an anti -aging effect. Daily washing increases the elasticity and tone of the skin, accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, rinsing with shungite water of the hair, strengthens the roots, preventing the baldness and hair loss, and gives them splendor and silkiness.

By the ability to cleanse water from harmful impurities, Shungit has no equal. It absorbs up to 95% of pollutants on its surface. Shungite absorbs heavy metals, college of water pipes, nitrates and nitrites, pesticides, dioxins, phenols, chlorological compounds, oil products, radionuclides, helminths, viruses and bacteria, simultaneously saturates water with useful micro- and macroelements.

Today we can say with confidence that of all known means the most powerful protection against radiation in geopathogenic zones is natural shungite.

Forms and methods of application:

Before the first use, rinse shungite several times with running water. Insist in water in a ratio of 1:15 - 1:20 within 3 days before the mutility disappears. As it spends water, pour water, washing the shungite with water from the settled plaque. Schungit must be changed once every 2-3 months
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:XX cm

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