Pumpkin oil, 100 ml

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List price: 7.50
You save: €2.35 (31%)
10 days
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Category:Food for Health
Dimensions: 45x45x105cm

Soft taste allows you to use oil as an additive to warm dishes, as well as in salads and sauces.
Thermally cannot be processed.
Unrefined pumpkin-100%oil. Cold squeeze, obtained only by mechanical pressing.

Pharmacists note that the composition of the damp pumpkin oil itself is the medicine. Make it like this:

linoleic acid necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D and various hormones.
Tocopherols and tokolrienols (fat -soluble B vitamins), which reduce both cholesterol and the growth of malignant tumors.
Carotinoids (yellow pigments of vitamin A), which have high antioxidant activity.
β-sytosterol (plant alcohol), which proved its effect in the treatment of sclerosis, diabetes and cancer.
chlorophyl (they are rich in the seeds of the Stri pumpkin) - performs the same function in the body as hemaglobin, which is vital for anemia and reduced immunity.
Add to this list a rich mineral complex that includes metals of life (zinc, iron and magnesium) and trace element of longevity (selenium), and you will forget the way to the pharmacy
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:10.5x4.5x4.5 cm
Series: Smart Oils

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