
Protein cocktail with strawberries, 500g

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List price: 17.35
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Category:Food for Health

Although the protein -based protein -based protein, first of all, many people are associated with bodybuilding, but still their main advantages are not limited to help you “pump up”.

For women with overweight that they want to lose weight, daily intake of protein cocktails will help to provide a prolonged feeling of saturation, thereby limiting the overall consumption of calories.

Pea protein with a diet is considered very effective, since it saturates the body and eliminates the feeling of hunger. In the fight against excess weight, it is good and because it contains a lysine in its composition. Thanks to this amino acid, metabolism is noticeably accelerated. The plant contains vitamins that are useful for the body (group B, H, PP, K) and trace elements (magnesium, zinc, copper, silicon, cobalt, molybdenum), which not only promotes weight loss, but also healing of the body.

Food supplements based on peas are taken not only for weight loss, but to maintain health in good shape. After taking the drugs, a person really feels vigorously, energetically. Problems with digestion disappear - there is no indigestion and constipation, flatulence, heartburn and belching disappears. Prevents cholesterol accumulation in blood vessels.

The cocktail is suitable for vegetarians.

Application: Dilute 10 g of the mixture into 250 ml of water, juice or milk and use 1-2 times a day instead of meals (lunch or evening)
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:XX cm

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