Lekker stone oil 3g

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Category:Food for Health

Stone oil (white mummy, marriage, rock juice) - a rock, consisting of a complex mineral complex that promotes the restoration of mineral balance in the body. Camable oil. Longevity
Stone oil. Longevity
Stone oil (white mummy, marriage, rock juice) - a rock, consisting of a complex mineral complex that promotes the restoration of the mineral balance in the body.
Composition: native concentrate of stone oil.
Stone oil contains 49 minerals vital for the body (potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, etc) in an easily digestible form and does not contain toxic elements (lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic) The properties of a natural mineral complex called stone oil have been known for more than 4 thousand years. It is currently used in Tibetan medicine.
Sasher-Med trademark is gathering in the Altai mountain altai at a height of at least 2 thousand meters above sea level when using special analytical equipment that eliminates foreign minerals.
The stone oil of the Sasher-Med trademark is standardized by mineral composition, does not contain toxic elements. It is produced only in proprietary packaging-capsule (3 g), which guarantees the quality and authenticity of the mineral.
The effect of stone oil:
The rapid and natural restoration of bone and cartilage for fractures,
The complete elimination of viral and bacterial infection of various origin, including digestive disorders,
The rapid elimination of the inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, ENT organs, musculoskeletal system, support,
Rapid healing of wounds, scarring of open wounds for several minutes,
Instant hemostatic effect (internal and external),
It has a tumor -destructive effect,
The restoration of the mineral balance in the body, necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and brain.
Stone oil is a unique natural form of a complex of trace elements, which helps to restore the body"s own immunity, stopping the development of chronic unfavorable processes in the body.
Recommendations for the use of stone oil:
To increase immunity with frequent infections, inflammations, stresses,
To accelerate the fusion of bones during fractures,
To eliminate inflammatory, infectious, purulent processes on the skin,
With pain in the joints and muscles (external and inside),
to eliminate liver diseases (including viral and intoxication),
In case of violation of cardiovascular activity, changes in the vessels, atherosclerotic changes-contributes to the correction of blood pressure, positively affects coronary heart disease,
To eliminate gastrointestinal disorders (colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer),
To prevent inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in men and women,
With inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, for irrigation of mucous membranes with sinusitis,
To eliminate periodontal disease (in the form of rinses),
To eliminate sore throat (in the form of rinses),
To accelerate the healing of burns and wounds, including trophic and purulent ulcers (external),
to eliminate skin dermatitis, including allergic (external and inside),
prevents metastasis,
To normalize the thyroid gland,
with hormonal disorders, to prevent symptoms of the menopause,
In case of memory violation, as a soothing agent (contains magnesium salts),
For all types of diabetes
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:XX cm

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