
Indian black darjeeling Blatt. 100 g

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Category:Food for Health

Healing properties: the most valuable ingredient in such tea is catechins. These substances have an antioxidant effect, protecting the cells from the attack of free radicals. In addition, catechins can be introduced into cancer cells and destroy them, and also prevent the development of atheroskerosis.

Darjing tea contains a huge amount of caffeine, which contributes to the rapid of urination, thereby preventing bladder cancer. In addition, regular use of Darjing tea significantly reduces blood sugar, and also reduces weight.

taste: has a light, soft taste and aroma. With proper brewing it, a light drink with a sophisticated nutmeg, slightly tart taste and floral aroma is obtained. Such properties are provided by special conditions for the growth of tea: cold and wet climate, high -mountain arrangement of plantations and soil features. Darjing is called tea champagne. It is traditionally appreciated above other black teas, especially in the UK and former British colonies
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:XX cm

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