
Goya juice (330 ml)

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Category:Food for Health

Group affiliation
Adaptogen, immunomodulator, a general strengthening effect
Active components
Goya or dereza berries, wolf berries (Central Asia) Ingredients: 18 amino acids+aminomatic acid, vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, B3, MIRALILS: Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Microelements: Zinc, Iron, Copper, Chrome, Selenium, Polyphenols: Elelagovaya K-Ta, Caratinoids : beta-carotene, zeaxantin, lutein, pyzalein, steroids: Solsodin, beta-sytosterol, ducosterol, polysachorids: p-skumarin K-Ta, scope, protein.
the effect of the drug
They increase visual acuity, a source of nutrients, enhance sexual potency, increases visual acuity, strengthens the immune system, have the properties of antioxidants, anti-Curogenic explosures, accelerates blood formation, reduces sugar levels.
The restorative, prevention of colds, immunomodulation.
Interaction with other drugs
All fees. Drugs: propolis, ginseng, mumiyo. Eleksira: Noni, Goya, Aloe Vera.
Individual intolerance to the component
Method of application
2 tbsp. Spoon dilute 0.5 cups of water. It is not revealed to use once a day after eating.
No special instructions
of side effects, before receiving it is recommended to consult with a specialist CZ & quot, Vera & quot (consultation is free) Tel. 09233-40015
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:XX cm

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