
Cedar resin (30%) in cedar oil 100ml with silverweed

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Category:Food for Health

“Kedrovka Zhivitsa in cedar oil” with a cinquefoil - a 100% natural complex based on cedar oil, cedar and herb of white cinquefoil.
Laving: cedar oil - 60%, cedar Zhivitsa - 30%, white cinquefoil - 10%
Cedar oil - obtained from cedar nut nuclei, contains a unique complex of vitamins, minerals, fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The cedar is a natural component with an intensive wound healing, antibacterial, anti -inflammatory, antifungal effect.
White cinquefoil - has a positive regulatory effect on the function of the thyroid gland, prevents diffuse changes, promotes resorption of nodes and prevent toxic changes in the body.
A natural complex of cedar oil with a gum enhances and complements the positive effect of white cinquefoil in the direction of prevention of thyroid changes.
A complex of cedar oil, cedar and white cinquefoil is positively valid:
with an increase in the thyroid gland,
With neoplasms in the thyroid gland,
With adverse changes in the thyroid gland,
To normalize the hormonal background
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:XX cm

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