Cedar Resin (30%) in Cedar Oil 100ml with Beaver Stream

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Category:Food for Health

“Kedrovka Zhivitsa in cedar oil” with a beaver stream - a 100% natural complex based on cedar oil, cedar and beaver jet.
Composition: Kedrovoy oil - 60%, cedar Zhivitsa - 30%, beaver stream - 10%
Cedar oil-obtained from cedar nuts, contains a unique complex of vitamins, minerals, fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids-to normalize cardiovascular activity, mental activity.
Kedra’s lifting - a natural component with intensive wound healing, antibacterial, anti -inflammatory, antifungal effect, has an antifungal, wound healing, antibacterial effect, and prevents the development of infections.
A beaver jet - a natural component, has an intensive recovery, analgesic, tonic effect, complements the effect of cedar oil and gum with reducing properties.
A complex of cedar oil, cedar and beaver stream - a solution for men with adverse changes in the functions of sex and urinary systems:
prostate adenoma,
painful urination,
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:XX cm

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